// Databricks notebook source exported at Tue, 28 Jun 2016 11:12:33 UTC

Scalable Data Science

Change Detection in Degree Corrected Stochastic BlockModel Graphs

Scalable data science project by Shakira Suwan

supported by and

The html source url of this databricks notebook and its recorded Uji Image of Uji, Dogen's Time-Being:


Network Analysis

Stochastic Blockmodel


  • SBM treats all nodes within a community as stochastically equivalent.
  • Thus does not allow for the existence of “hubs,” high-degree nodes at the center of many communities observed in real data.
  • To address this issue, Karrer and Newman [20] proposed the degree-corrected stochastic block model, which can accommodate hubs.

Degree Corrected Stochastic Blockmodel

####Change Detection Ide and Kashima (2004) compare the current activity vector with the past average vector (profile vector) by computing the change score \(s_t\) for time instant, \(t\) as

\[s_{t} = 1 - \tilde{\mathbf{u}}(t-1) \cdot \mathbf{u}(t)\]

The change scores of the nodes, \(s^i_t\) at time \(t\) is

\[s^i_{t} = \left | \tilde{\mathbf{u}}(t-1) - \mathbf{u}(t) \right |\]

Simulation Studies

####Parameter Setting:

  • K =3,
  • n= 900
  • \(B_{i,i} = 0.05\), for \(i= 1,...,K\)
  • \(B_{i,j} = 0.008\), for \(i\neq j\)
  • 30 graph realizations
  • G =21 is generated from one of the following change scenarios

####Change scenarios:

  • ####Split

  • ####Form

  • ####Shift

Source Code

First let’s import various libraries.

import breeze.linalg._
import breeze.numerics._
import breeze.stats.distributions._

####Powerlaw Distribution

  • This function returns \(n\) random numbers generated from a powerlaw distribution.

def powerlawRnd(n:Int,xmin:Double, alpha:Double ):DenseVector[Double]={
  val u=Range(0,n).map(v=>{
     var r= new scala.util.Random
  val plx=u.map(a=>xmin*pow((1-a),(-1/alpha-1)))
  new DenseVector(plx)

DCSBM Graphs

  • This function returns an \(n_1 \times n_2\) degree corrected stochastic blockmodel graph

def constructGraph(K:Int,p:DenseVector[Double], r:Double, theta1:DenseVector[Double],theta2:DenseVector[Double],lambda:Double,rho:DenseVector[Double],N1:Int,N2:Int):DenseMatrix[Double]={ 

var n1_block:DenseVector[Double]= rho :* N1.toDouble
n1_block = floor(n1_block)
var n1_ind = DenseMatrix.zeros[Double](K,2)
val tmp = accumulate(n1_block)
n1_ind(::,1) := tmp -1.toDouble
n1_ind(0,0) = 0;
n1_ind(1 to -1,0) := tmp(0 to -1-1) 

var n2_block:DenseVector[Double]= rho :* N2.toDouble
n2_block = floor(n2_block)
var n2_ind = DenseMatrix.zeros[Double](K,2)
val tmp2 = accumulate(n2_block)
n2_ind(::,1) := tmp2 - 1.toDouble
n2_ind(0,0) = 0;
n2_ind(1 to -1,0) := tmp2(0 to -1-1) 
var temp1 = DenseMatrix.fill(K,K){n1_block(1)}
var temp2 = DenseMatrix.fill(K,K){n2_block(1)}
var expectedNum = temp1 :* temp2

var p2:DenseVector[Double]=null
  var p1=p(0)
  p2= DenseVector.fill(K){p1}
  p2 = p
var p1 = DenseVector.rangeD(1,K+1,1):* p2//clear structure (p1>p2) 
var B = (lambda*DenseMatrix.eye[Double](K):* diag(p1)) :* expectedNum :+ ((1-lambda) * DenseMatrix.fill(K,K)(r) :*expectedNum) 
  // generate node probabilities
var Z1 = DenseMatrix.zeros[Double](N1,K)
var Z2 = DenseMatrix.zeros[Double](N2,K)
var blockDeg1 = DenseVector.zeros[Double](K)
var blockDeg2 = DenseVector.zeros[Double](K)
var rowDeg = DenseVector.zeros[Double](N1)
var colDeg = DenseVector.zeros[Double](N2)
val n1Ind = n1_ind.mapValues(_.toInt)
val n2Ind = n2_ind.mapValues(_.toInt)
for(k <- 0 to K-1){
    blockDeg1(k) =  sum(theta1.slice(n1Ind(k,0),n1Ind(k,1)))
    blockDeg2(k) =  sum(theta2.slice(n2Ind(k,0),n2Ind(k,1)))
    rowDeg.slice(n1Ind(k,0),n1Ind(k,1)) := theta1.slice(n1Ind(k,0),n1Ind(k,1)) :/ blockDeg1(k)
    colDeg.slice(n2Ind(k,0),n1Ind(k,1)) := theta2.slice(n2Ind(k,0),n2Ind(k,1)) :/ blockDeg2(k)
    Z1(n1Ind(k,0) to n1Ind(k,1), k) := 1.0;
    Z2(n2Ind(k,0) to n2Ind(k,1), k) := 1.0;
var nodeProb = diag(rowDeg) * Z1 * B * Z2.t * diag(colDeg)
  // create graph realizations
var W = DenseMatrix.zeros[Double](N1,N2)
for(i<-0 to N1-1){
  for(j<- i+1 to N2-1){
    var poi= Poisson(nodeProb(i,j))
     W(i ,j) = poi.draw
var A = W
for(i<-0 to N1-1){
  for(j<- i+1 to N2-1){
     A(i ,j) = 1.0
  var A1 = upperTriangular(A) + upperTriangular(A).t

Change Scenarios

  • This function returns an \(n_1 \times n_2\) changed dcsbm graph.

// create an anomaly graph, form, split, shift
case class graphAnomalyClass(W:DenseMatrix[Double],A1:DenseVector[Double], A2:DenseVector[Double])
def createA_anomaly(K:Int,p:Double, r:Double, theta1:DenseVector[Double],theta2:DenseVector[Double],lambda:Double,rho:DenseVector[Double],changeType:String, graphType:String):graphAnomalyClass={ 
  var N1:Int = theta1.length
  var N2:Int = theta2.length
  val s1 = rho(0)*N1.toDouble
  val s2 = rho(1)*N2.toDouble
  var s1_temp = DenseVector.fill(K){s1}
  var s2_temp = DenseVector.fill(K){s2}
  val s1_cumsum = accumulate(s1_temp)
  var s2_cumsum = accumulate(s2_temp)
  val constD = DenseVector{0.0}
  val constI = DenseVector{0}
  var W_poi:DenseMatrix[Double]=null
  var anomalies1:DenseVector[Double]=null
  var anomalies2:DenseVector[Double]=null
 changeType match{
    case "form"  =>  
       var pnew = DenseVector.fill(K)(p)
       pnew(0) = pnew(0)*3.0        
       W_poi = constructGraph(K,pnew,r,theta1,theta2,lambda,rho,N1,N2)
       anomalies1 = DenseVector.rangeD(1, s1_cumsum(0)+1,1)
       anomalies2 = DenseVector.rangeD(1, s2_cumsum(0)+1,1)     
    case "split" =>
        var stmp1 = DenseVector.vertcat(constD,s1_temp)
        var stmp2 = DenseVector.vertcat(constD,s2_temp)
        val k2 = K+1
        val temp1 = stmp1(1)*0.5
        val temp2 = stmp2(1)*0.5
        stmp1(0)= temp1
        stmp1(1)= stmp1(1) - temp1
        stmp2(0)= temp2
        stmp2(1)= stmp2(1) - temp2
        val rho_tmp = stmp1 :/ N1.toDouble      
        anomalies1 = DenseVector.rangeD(1,s1_temp(0)+1.0,1)
        anomalies2 = DenseVector.rangeD(1,s2_temp(0)+1.0,1)
        var pnew = DenseVector.fill(k2){p}   
        for(i <- 1 to pnew.length-1){
          pnew(i) = pnew(i)*(1.0/(i+1.0))
        var rowV = DenseVector.range(1,k2,1)        
        rowV = DenseVector.vertcat(constI+1,rowV)        
        var pnew1 = pnew:*rowV.mapValues(_.toDouble)         
        W_poi = constructGraph(k2,pnew1,r,theta1,theta2,lambda,rho_tmp,N1,N2)
   case "shift" =>
        var stmp1 = s1_temp
        val temp1 = stmp1(0)*0.5
        stmp1(0)  = stmp1(0) - temp1
        stmp1(1)  = stmp1(1) + temp1
        var stmp2     = s2_temp
        val temp2     = stmp2(0)*0.5
        stmp2(0)  =stmp2(0) - temp2
        stmp2(1)  =stmp2(1) + temp2
        var rho_tmp = stmp1:/N1.toDouble
        var pnew = DenseVector.fill(K){p} 
        anomalies1 = DenseVector.rangeD(stmp1(0),(stmp1(0)+temp1)+1.0)
        anomalies2 = DenseVector.rangeD(stmp2(0),(stmp2(0)+temp2)+1.0)          
        W_poi = constructGraph(K,pnew,r,theta1,theta2,lambda,rho_tmp,N1,N2)
  val result=graphAnomalyClass(W_poi,anomalies1,anomalies2)

def preprocessGraph(adj:DenseMatrix[Double],N1:Int,N2:Int):DenseMatrix[Double]={ 
   val totalUniqueNode=N1.toDouble+N2.toDouble
   val totalConnection = sum(adj)
   val avgCon=(2.0*totalConnection.toDouble)/totalUniqueNode
   val perturbationP = totalConnection / pow(totalUniqueNode,2)
   var W = adj + perturbationP  // perturbation

   var degree = sum(W(*, ::))
   var invDeg = pow(degree,-0.5)
   var invD = diag(invDeg)
   var normW = invD*W*invD

####Activity Vector

  • compute the singular value decomposition (SVD) and extract the principle singular vector (left singular vector corresponding to the largest singular value)

def getActivity(edge:DenseMatrix[Double]):DenseVector[Double]={
  val leftSingular= svd(edge)  
  var U =leftSingular.U
  var Ac1 = abs(U(::,0)) 

Activity Vectors in the first window

// perform SVD and get activity vectors for the first 5 graphs
def getFirstActivityVectors(N1:Int,N2:Int,edgeArray:Array[DenseMatrix[Double]],tw:Int):DenseMatrix[Double]={
 var  winActivity1= DenseMatrix.zeros[Double](N1,tw) 
  for(i<- 0 to (tw-1)){        
    var edge_i=edgeArray(i)
    var W = preprocessGraph(edge_i,N1,N2)
    winActivity1(::,i) := getActivity(W) 

Let’s use MLlib svd rountine next.

// MLlib svd
import org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.Matrix
import org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.distributed.RowMatrix
import org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.SingularValueDecomposition
import org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.distributed.{IndexedRow, IndexedRowMatrix}

def getSvdSpark(winActivity:DenseMatrix[Double]):DenseVector[Double] = {
val tWinAc1_0 = winActivity.t
val arr = new Array[(Int, Array[Double])](tWinAc1_0.cols)
  for(i <- 0 until tWinAc1_0.cols) {
    arr(i) = (i, tWinAc1_0(::,i).toArray)
val rdd = sc.parallelize(arr)

    val svd = new IndexedRowMatrix(rdd.map{case(row: Int, colVector: Array[Double]) => {
      new IndexedRow(row, new org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.DenseVector(colVector))
    }}).computeSVD(5, true, 1e-9)
val uMatrix = svd.U.rows
val firstCol = DenseVector.zeros[Double](uMatrix.count.toInt)
uMatrix.collect.foreach{row => {
  firstCol(row.index.toInt) = row.vector(0)

##Generate DCSBM Graphs

// Parameter settings
var graphType:String = "unipartite"
var N1:Int = 900
var N2:Int = N1
var K1:Int = 3
var K2:Int = 3
var s1:Double = N1/K1
var s2:Double = N2/K2
var rho1 = DenseVector.fill(K1){s1/N1}
var rho2 = DenseVector.fill(K2){s2/N2}
var p =DenseVector[Double]{0.05} // within block probability
var r:Double = 0.008 // between block probabilty
var lambda:Double = 0.8 //signal in the graph
val nd: Int = 29 // graph realization sets
var beforeChange:String = "simple"
var changeType:String = "shift" // form, split, shift
val tw =5
// parameter for the powerLaw degree distribution
val beta:Double = 2.5
val xmin:Double = 1
var theta1 = DenseVector.zeros[Double](N1)
var theta2 = DenseVector.zeros[Double](N2)
if(graphType == "unipartite"){
  N2 = N1
  K2 = K1
  theta1 = powerlawRnd(N1,xmin,beta) // generate powerlaw random variable  
  theta2 = theta1
   theta1 = powerlawRnd(N1,xmin,beta) // type 1 node  
   theta2 = powerlawRnd(N2,xmin,beta) // type 2 node

// generate a dynamic network

val tChange = 20 // at day 21 is the change
var sparseA: Array[DenseMatrix[Double]]=new Array[DenseMatrix[Double]](nd+1)
var anomaly1:DenseVector[Double]=null
var anomaly2:DenseVector[Double]=null
for (m <- 0 to nd){  
  if(m<tChange && m >tChange){
    sparseA(m) = constructGraph(K1,p,r, theta1,theta2,lambda,rho1,N1,N2) 
    val G = createA_anomaly(K2, p(0), r, theta1,theta2,lambda,rho2,changeType,graphType)
    sparseA(m) = G.W
    anomaly1 =G.A1
    anomaly2 =G.A2
  // create graph 1:20 from Dist A
  // create graph 21 from Dist B
  // create graph 22:30 graph Dist A

##Computing node and time scores

// computing node scores and time scores from day 6 onwards
var winAc1_0 = getFirstActivityVectors(N1,N2,sparseA,tw)
var nt = sparseA.length-tw     
var timeScore = DenseVector.zeros[Double](nt)
var nodeScore = DenseMatrix.zeros[Double](N1,nt)  
    for(i <- 0 to nt-1){
       var edge_i= sparseA(i+tw)
       var W_i = preprocessGraph(edge_i,N1,N2)
       var winAc1 = winAc1_0    
       var refAc1 = getSvdSpark(winAc1) // get reference embedding
       var Ac1 = getActivity(W_i) // get current embedding
       timeScore(i) = 1 - norm(refAc1.t * Ac1)     
       var tmp =(Ac1.t * refAc1)* refAc1.t
      for(j <- 0 to N1-1){
        nodeScore(j,i) = abs((Ac1(j) - tmp.toDenseVector(j)))
      var winAc_tmp = winAc1_0(::,1 to 4)
      winAc1_0 = DenseMatrix.horzcat(winAc_tmp,Ac1.toDenseMatrix.t)


import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
import org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame

def convertScore(matrix:DenseMatrix[Double]):DataFrame={
//val matrix = timeScore.toDenseMatrix
val n = matrix.rows
val m = matrix.cols
val tSb = sc.broadcast(matrix)

// creating schema for DataFrame matrix
val columns = for (i <- 0 until m) yield StructField(s"$i", DoubleType, false)
val indexColumn = Seq(StructField("index", IntegerType, false))
val schema = StructType(indexColumn ++ columns)

val df = sqlContext.createDataFrame(sc.parallelize(0 until n).map { v => 
  val values = v +: tSb.value(v,::).t.toArray
  Row(values: _*)
}, schema)

val tScoreDF = convertScore(timeScore.toDenseMatrix)
val nodeScoreDF = convertScore(nodeScore.toDenseMatrix)


timedf <- sql(sqlContext, "FROM timeScore_table SELECT *")
timeScore <- collect(timedf)
nodedf <- sql(sqlContext, "FROM nodeScore_table SELECT *")
nodeScore <- collect(nodedf)


/*data.matrix(timeScore, rownames.force = NA)
require(grDevices) # for colours
x<- c(1:25)
plot(x,timeScore[,2:26], type="o", xlab="day",
  	ylab="score" )*/

  • Split

NB: Changed day = 21, changed nodes are from 150-300

  • ###Form

NB: Changed day = 21, changed nodes are from 1-300

  • ###Shift

NB: Changed day = 21, changed nodes are from 150-300

