We split each page of the visualapi:

as follows:

$ convert -density 300 visualapi.pdf -quality 100 visualapi.png
convert visualapi-3.png -resize 484 small/visualapi-3.png

convert visualapi-3.png -resize 1000 med/visualapi-3.png

for file in *.png; do convert $file -resize 1000 med/$file; done

We are not modifying the content in each page and simply using them in databricks context. We believe this respects the CC-BY-NC-ND license of the visualapi.pdf.

One can always start from the MIT-licensed images contributed by Jeff Thompson from:

as blogged here:

We are grateful to databricks for commissioning Adam Breindel to further evolve Jeff’s work into the diagrams exploded page-by-page here.
