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Scalable Data Science
prepared by Raazesh Sainudiin and Sivanand Sivaram
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Deep learning: A Crash Introduction
This notebook provides an introduction to Deep Learning. It is meant to help you descend more fully into these learning resources and references:
- Udacity’s course on Deep Learning https://www.udacity.com/course/deep-learning–ud730 by Arpan Chakraborty and Vincent Vanhoucke
- Neural networks and deep learning http://neuralnetworksanddeeplearning.com/ by Michael Nielsen
Deep learning book http://www.deeplearningbook.org/ by Ian Goodfellow, Yoshua Bengio and Aaron Courville
- Deep learning - buzzword for Artifical Neural Networks
- What is it?
- Supervised learning model - Classifier
- Unsupervised model - Anomaly detection
- Needs lots of data
- Online learning model - backpropogation
- Optimization - Stochastic gradient descent
- Regularization - L1, L2, Dropout ** **
- Supervised
- Fully connected network
- Convolutional neural network - Eg: For classifying images
- Recurrent neural networks - Eg: For use on text, speech
- Unsupervised
- Autoencoder
A quick recap of logistic regression / linear models
(watch now 46 seconds):
– Video Credit: Udacity’s deep learning by Arpan Chakraborthy and Vincent Vanhoucke
y = mx + c
Another way to look at a linear model
– Image Credit: Michael Nielsen
Recap - Gradient descent
(1:54 seconds):
– Video Credit: Udacity’s deep learning by Arpan Chakraborthy and Vincent Vanhoucke
Recap - Stochastic Gradient descent
(2:25 seconds):
– Video Credit: Udacity’s deep learning by Arpan Chakraborthy and Vincent Vanhoucke
HOGWILD! Parallel SGD without locks http://i.stanford.edu/hazy/papers/hogwild-nips.pdf
Why deep learning? - Linear model
(24 seconds):
– Video Credit: Udacity’s deep learning by Arpan Chakraborthy and Vincent Vanhoucke
ReLU - Rectified linear unit or Rectifier - max(0, x)
– Image Credit: Wikipedia
Neural Network
Watch now (45 seconds)
– Video Credit: Udacity’s deep learning by Arpan Chakraborthy and Vincent Vanhoucke
Is decision tree a linear model?
Neural Network
– Image credit: Wikipedia
Multiple hidden layers
– Image credit: Michael Nielsen
What does it mean to go deep? What do each of the hidden layers learn?
Watch now (1:13 seconds)
– Video Credit: Udacity’s deep learning by Arpan Chakraborthy and Vincent Vanhoucke
Chain rule
(f o g)’ = (f’ o g) . g’
Chain rule in neural networks
Watch later (55 seconds)
– Video Credit: Udacity’s deep learning by Arpan Chakraborthy and Vincent Vanhoucke
Watch later (9:55 seconds)
####How do you set the learning rate? - Step size in SGD?
Convolutional Neural Networks
- Alex Krizhevsky, Ilya Sutskever, Geoffrey E. Hinton - https://papers.nips.cc/paper/4824-imagenet-classification-with-deep-convolutional-neural-networks.pdf
- Convolutional Neural networks blog - http://colah.github.io/posts/2014-07-Conv-Nets-Modular/
Recurrent neural network
Watch (3:55)
LSTM - Long short term memory
GRU - Gated recurrent unit