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Scalable Data Science

prepared by Raazesh Sainudiin and Sivanand Sivaram

supported by and

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Let us visit an interactive visual cognitive tool for the basics ideas in linear regression:

The following video is a very concise and thorough treatment of linear regression for those who have taken the 200-level linear algebra. Others can fully understand it with some effort and revisiting.

Linear Regression by Ameet Talwalkar in BerkeleyX: CS190.1x Scalable Machine Learning

(watch now 11:13):

Linear Regression by Ameet Talwalkar in BerkeleyX: CS190.1x Scalable Machine Learning

Ridge regression has a Bayesian interpretation where the weights have a zero-mean Gaussian prior. See 7.5 in Murphy’s Machine Learning: A Probabilistic Perspective for details.

Please take notes in mark-down if you want.

For latex math within markdown you can do the following for in-line maths: \(\mathbf{A}_{i,j} \in \mathbb{R}^1\). And to write maths in display mode do the following:

\[\mathbf{A} \in \mathbb{R}^{m \times d}\]

You will need to write such notes for your final project presentation!

MillonSongs Ridge Regression by Ameet Talwalkar in BerkeleyX: CS190.1x Scalable Machine Learning

(watch later 7:47):

Linear Regression by Ameet Talwalkar in BerkeleyX: CS190.1x Scalable Machine Learning

Covers the training, test and validation and grid search… ridger regression…

Take your own notes if you like.

Gradient Descent by Ameet Talwalkar in BerkeleyX: CS190.1x Scalable Machine Learning

(watch now 11:19):

Gradient Descent by Ameet Talwalkar in BerkeleyX: CS190.1x Scalable Machine Learning

Please take notes if you want to.

Scalable Data Science

prepared by Raazesh Sainudiin and Sivanand Sivaram

supported by and
