// Databricks notebook source exported at Sat, 25 Jun 2016 00:08:01 UTC

Scalable Data Science

prepared by Raazesh Sainudiin and Sivanand Sivaram

supported by and

Generic Twitter Collector

Remeber that the use of twitter itself comes with various strings attached.

Crucially, the use of the content from twitter by you (as done in this worksheet) comes with some strings.

The html source url of this databricks notebook and the recorded Uji Image of Uji, Dogen's Time-Being of a closely related notebook:


This notebook for collecting tweets is more robust than the notebook 022_TweetCollector.

import org.apache.spark._
import org.apache.spark.storage._
import org.apache.spark.streaming._
import org.apache.spark.streaming.twitter.TwitterUtils

import scala.math.Ordering

import twitter4j.auth.OAuthAuthorization
import twitter4j.conf.ConfigurationBuilder

Step 1: Enter your Twitter API Credentials.

  • Go to https://apps.twitter.com and look up your Twitter API Credentials, or create an app to create them.
  • Run this cell for the input cells to appear.
  • Enter your credentials.
  • Run the cell again to pick up your defaults.

The cell-below is hidden to not expose the Twitter API Credentials: consumerKey, consumerSecret, accessToken and accessTokenSecret.

System.setProperty("twitter4j.oauth.consumerKey", getArgument("1. Consumer Key (API Key)", ""))
System.setProperty("twitter4j.oauth.consumerSecret", getArgument("2. Consumer Secret (API Secret)", ""))
System.setProperty("twitter4j.oauth.accessToken", getArgument("3. Access Token", ""))
System.setProperty("twitter4j.oauth.accessTokenSecret", getArgument("4. Access Token Secret", ""))

If you see warnings then ignore for now: https://forums.databricks.com/questions/6941/change-in-getargument-for-notebook-input.html.

Step 2: Configure how long to collect and how often to write tweets to a file in s3 or dbfs

  • Run this cell for the input cells to appear.
  • Enter your credentials.
  • Run the cell again to pick up your defaults.

60*60*24 // seconds in one day

val outputDirectory = getArgument("1. Output Directory", "/myTwitterDir")
val slideInterval = new Duration(getArgument("2. Save to file every N seconds", "300").toInt * 1000) // 5 minutes by default
val timeoutJobLength = getArgument("4. Wait this many seconds before stopping the streaming job", "86400").toInt * 1000 // default is 1 day

// Replace with your AWS S3 credentials
// NOTE: Set the access to this notebook appropriately to protect the security of your keys.
// Or you can delete this cell after you run the mount command below once successfully.

val AccessKey = getArgument("1. ACCESS_KEY", "REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_ACCESS_KEY")
val SecretKey = getArgument("2. SECRET_KEY", "REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_SECRET_KEY")
val EncodedSecretKey = SecretKey.replace("/", "%2F")
val AwsBucketName = getArgument("3. S3_BUCKET", "REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_S3_BUCKET")
val MountName = getArgument("4. MNT_NAME", "REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_MOUNT_NAME")
val s3Filename = "tweetDump"

dbutils.fs.unmount(s"/mnt/$MountName") // finally unmount when done

dbutils.fs.mount(s"s3a://$AccessKey:$EncodedSecretKey@$AwsBucketName", s"/mnt/$MountName")



Step 3: Run the Twitter Streaming job.

Clean up any old files.

//dbutils.fs.rm(outputDirectory, true) // do only if you want to remove


Create the function to that creates the Streaming Context and sets up the streaming job.

import com.google.gson.Gson // the Library has already been attached to this cluster (show live how to do this from scratch?)

var newContextCreated = false
var num = 0
var numTweetsCollected = 0L // track number of tweets collected

// This is a helper class used for 
object SecondValueOrdering extends Ordering[(String, Int)] {
  def compare(a: (String, Int), b: (String, Int)) = {
    a._2 compare b._2

// This is the function that creates the SteamingContext and sets up the Spark Streaming job.
def creatingFunc(): StreamingContext = {
  // Create a Spark Streaming Context.
  val ssc = new StreamingContext(sc, slideInterval)
  // Create a Twitter Stream for the input source. 
  val auth = Some(new OAuthAuthorization(new ConfigurationBuilder().build()))
  val twitterStream = TwitterUtils.createStream(ssc, auth)
  val twitterStreamJson = twitterStream.map(x => { val gson = new Gson();
                                                 val xJson = gson.toJson(x)
val partitionsEachInterval = 1 // This tells the number of partitions in each RDD of tweets in the DStream.

twitterStreamJson.foreachRDD((rdd, time) => { // for each RDD in the DStream
      val count = rdd.count()
      if (count > 0) {
        val outputRDD = rdd.repartition(partitionsEachInterval) // repartition as desired
        //outputRDD.saveAsTextFile(s"${outputDirectory}/tweets_" + time.milliseconds.toString) // save as textfile
        outputRDD.saveAsTextFile(s"/mnt/$MountName/${outputDirectory}" + "/tweets_" + time.milliseconds.toString) // save as textfile in s3
        numTweetsCollected += count // update with the latest count
  newContextCreated = true

Create the StreamingContext using getActiveOrCreate, as required when starting a streaming job in Databricks.

val ssc = StreamingContext.getActiveOrCreate(creatingFunc)

Start the Spark Streaming Context and return when the Streaming job exits or return with the specified timeout.


ssc.stop(stopSparkContext = false)

Check out the Clusters ‘Streaming` UI as the job is running.

Stop any active Streaming Contexts, but don’t stop the spark contexts they are attached to.

StreamingContext.getActive.foreach { _.stop(stopSparkContext = false) }

Step 4: View the Results.


val rdd1 = sc.textFile("/mnt/s3Data/twitterNew/tweets_1462008300000/part-00000")


//rdd1.take(1) // uncomment to see first entry



val rdd1 = sc.textFile(s"${outputDirectory}/tweets_1461918420000/part-00000")


// rdd1.top(1) // uncomment to see top first entry

Scalable Data Science

prepared by Raazesh Sainudiin and Sivanand Sivaram

supported by and
