Several students have completed their advanced degrees under the supervision of Raazesh Sainudiin. A list of current and former students is given below.

Prospective MS or PhD Student

You may pursue research under my supervision in an area of mutual interest. Drop by my office for a chat if you are interested. You are welcome to send me a statement of purpose, a written research report (if available) and CV if you are not in Uppsala, Sweden.

Here is a subset of the following possible Bachelors/Masters/PhD topics:

  1. Living Systems Research and Development - AI for Agroecological Data Engineering Sciences
  2. Geo-Spatial High-resolution Plant Mapping with Video Drones - AI algorithms for individual plant identification and taxonomic classification
  3. Scalable machine-learning and nonparametric methods in Apache Spark and
  4. Scalable computer-aided proofs in Apache Spark and
  5. Set-valued Mathematics, Applied Interval Analysis
  6. Mathematical Genetics: Combinatorial Stochastic Processes in Molecular Genetics of Pedigree Processes
  7. Rigorous Parameter Estimation for a measurable double pendulum
  8. Other topics in Living Systems Research by mutual agreement, including projects with joint supervision by other researchers in Life Sciences in Uppsala University or SLU

Current Students

PhD Students

  • Currently there are no PhD students as primary supervisees.
  • Co-advised PhD Students
    • Olga Sunneborn Gudnadottir, CIM PhD Student, Uppsala University
    • Yasmin Tousinejad, WASP PhD Student, Uppsala University

Masters Students under Progress

  1. 2023, Masters in Applied Mathematics and Statistics, Alexander Christiansson - (Senior Supervisor), Nonparametric L1 Regression with Universal Performance Guarantees
  2. 2020, Masters in Applied Mathematics and Statistics, Amelia Andersdotter - (Senior Supervisor)
  3. 2020, Masters in Applied Mathematics and Statistics, Jimmy Norqvist - (Senior Supervisor)

Former Students

At Uppsala University, Uppsala, SE

  1. 2023, Masters in Data Science (Engineering Track), Oskar Åsbrink - (Senior Supervisor), Update Commander: A Library for Incremental Historical Updates for Complex Data, Exjobb thesis with Sensmetry, thesis, code, video
  2. 2023, Masters in Data Science (Engineering Track), Nicolás Martín Bekier - (Senior Supervisor), Lakehouse Architecture for Simplifying Data Science Pipelines: Using as a Case Study, Exjobb thesis with trase, thesis, video
  3. 2023, Masters in Applied Mathematics and Statistics, Axel Sandstedt - (Senior Supervisor), Scalable Nonparametric L1 Density Estimation via Sparse Subtree Partitioning, thesis, code, video
  4. 2023, Masters in Applied Mathematics and Statistics, Kristofer Torp - (Senior Supervisor), Large Scale Mobility Patterns from Co-Trajectories of Mobile Phone Network Data using L1 and Weighted Jaccard Distance Measures, video
  5. 2022, Masters in Data Science (Data Engineering Track), Suparerk Angkawattanawit - (Senior Supervisor), LOCK-IN FREE: Lock-In Free Research Enablement Environment, thesis
  6. 2022, Masters in Information Technology (Civilingenjör i IT), Ammar Aldahiani - (Senior Supervisor), Big Data Interactive Visualization, thesis, video
  7. 2022, Masters in Applied Mathematics and Statistics, Johannes Graner - (Senior Supervisor), Scalable Algorithms in Nonparametric Computational Statistics, thesis, code, video
  8. 2022, Masters in Applied Mathematics and Statistics, Liyuan Zhang - (Senior Supervisor), Distributed Trajectories under Mobile Phone Network, thesis, code, video
  9. 2022, Masters in Data Science (Statistics and ML Track), Virginia Jimenez Mohedano - (Senior Supervisor) - Estimation of Point Processes on Directed Graphs thesis, code, video
  10. 2022, Masters in Data Science (Statistics and ML Track), Stavroula Rafailia Vlachou - (Senior Supervisor) - Simulations of Point Processes on Directed Graphs, thesis, code, video
  11. 2022, Masters in Information Technology (Civilingenjör i IT), Mattias Minuer - (Senior Supervisor) - Detecting Dissimilarity in Discourse on Social Media, thesis
  12. 2022, Masters in Applied Mathematics and Statistics, Kieran Barber - (Senior Supervisor) - Random Graph Models of a neocortical column in a rat's brain and their topological statistical distributions, thesis, code, video
  13. 2021, Masters in Applied Mathematics and Statistics, Alfred Lindström - (Senior Supervisor), Hawkes Processes on Social Media and Mass Media: A Case Study of the Black Lives Matter Movement in the Summer of 2020, thesis In Diva under progress, code, video
  14. 2022, Bachelor's Thesis in Applied Mathematics and Statistics, Jonathan Franklin - (Main Supervisor) - Mapped Regular Pavings, video
  15. 2021, Bachelor's Thesis in Applied Mathematics and Statistics, Simon Godskesen - (Main Supervisor) - Simulating Transmission Processes on Networks thesis, video
  16. 2020, Masters in Applied Mathematics and Statistics, Christoffer Långström - (Senior Supervisor) - Privacy In Data Science: Statistical Models with Integrated Privacy Protection and GDPR Compliant Learning - thesis, talk.
  17. 2019, Masters in Information Technology (Civilingenjör i IT), Kasper Ramström - (Senior Supervisor) - Botnet detection on flow data using the reconstruction error from Autoencoders trained on Word2Vec network embeddings.
  18. 2019, Masters in Mathematics, Joel Dahne - (Senior Supervisor) - Privacy and Analysis of Trajectories and Co-Trajectories thesis preprint (1.9MB) and talk (5.7MB)
  19. 2018, Masters Programme in Mathemtics, Niklas Fastlund - (Thesis Examiner; Supervised by Kristiaan Pelckmans)
  20. 2018, Candidate Programme, Independent Project in Engineering Physics (Civilingenjör i Teknisk Fysik) Computational Science, Olof Björck (Main Supervisor)
  21. 2017, Masters Programme in Engineering Physics (Civilingenjör i Teknisk Fysik) Computational Science, Joakim Johansson - (Senior Supervisor; Examined by David Sumpter)

At University of Canterbury, Christchurch, NZ

  1. 2016-2017, MSc Computational and Applied Mathematical Science, Rania Sahioun - (Co-Supervisor)
  2. 2014-2015, MSc Computational and Applied Mathematical Science, Jasper McKenzie - (Senior Supervisor). Jasper was awarded a Callaghan Career Award and took a permanent position as a Data Scientist in Telstra New Zealand’s Research and Development team, Christchurch. NZ.
  3. 2013-2014, MSc Computational and Applied Mathematical Science, Alan Williams - (Senior Supervisor). Joined a local IT company.
  4. 2014, PhD Computational and Applied Mathematics, Steve Manion - Unsupervised Knowledge-based Word Sense Disambiguation: Exploration and Evaluation of Semantic Subgraphs (Senior Supervisor). Steve won a Callaghan Career Award and took a permanent position as Data Scientist in Telstra New Zealand’s Research and Development team, Christchurch. NZ.
  5. 2014, PhD Mechanical Engineering, Hamid Asgari - Modelling and Control of Industrial Power Plant Gas Turbines Using Artificial Neural Networks (Co-supervisor).
  6. 2014, MSc Mathematics with Distinction, Connor Robinson-Arnull - A confidence-weighted temporal approach to recommender systems (Senior Supervisor). Connor joined a PhD Program in Pure and Applied Logic (PAL) at Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburg, PA, USA in 2014
  7. 2013, MSc Statistics with Distinction, Irene Van Woerden - A statistical investigation of the risk factors for tuberculosis (Co-supervisor). 1) Irene joined Pagasus Health, Christchurch, NZ, as an information analyst in 2013 and (2) then joined a PhD program in Statistics at Arizona State University, Tempe in 2014.
  8. 2013, MSc Statistics with Distinction, Jennifer Harlow - Data-Adaptive Multivariate Density Estimation Using Regular Pavings, With Applications to Simulation-Intensive Inference (Senior Supervisor). Jennifer joined the School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, NZ, as a Senior Academic Tutor.
  9. 2013, PhD Statistics, Gloria Teng - Density Estimation with Statistical Regular Pavings (Senior Supervisor). Joined University Tunku Abdul Rahman, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia as Lecturer in Data Mining.
  10. 2011, BSc Honours, Nuradilla Azhari - Exact transdimensional estimation of primate genetrees. High-school Maths and Stats Teacher in Malaysis.
  11. 2009-2010: Thomas Steinke - A Rigorous Extension of the Schönhage-Strassen Integer Multiplication Algorithm Using Complex Interval Arithmetic. Thomas joined a PhD program in Computer Science at Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA.
  12. 2009-2010: Josh Collins - Statistical Classification of Medical Images. Joined Maths PhD Program at Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand.
  13. 2008-2009: Piers Lawrence - UC Summer Scholar on A Mechatronically Measurable Double Pendulum. Joined Applied Maths PhD Program at University of Western Ontario, London, Canada.
  14. 2007-2008: Bry Ashman - programming for Galton’s Septcunx, a Visual Cognitive Tool GUI. Joined IP Traffic Analysis Team in local industry.