My Personal Mathematical Journey

Memetic Notions of Self in Trans-Traditional Life Experiments

by Raazesh Sainudiin

on Tuesday December 12 2017 1715 hours CET, Angstrom 4003, Uppsala, Sweden

This is meant for a live interactive presentation to students in a mathematical club at Uppsala University.



Style and Context: The talk will be spontaneous and interactive.

Intended Skeletal Outline: What I would like to cover is my own journey into my current mathematical research problems in behavioral ecology, population genetics, social psychology and theologies of extremist ideologies. The mathematical definitions and the resolution of Markov control operators over appropriately measurable combinatorial stochastic processes are motivated by concerns over security and law (every unfamiliar word can be explained interactively and students are encouraged to ask questions).

The idea is to view mathematics as a way to unambiguously express the actions taken by various traditions of experimenters composed of live populations of biological species on earth, a fully connected continuum in space-time. Clearly, what is topologically meant by self and non-self and how these notions of self at appropriate spatio-temporal scales get transmitted (memetically) within various human traditions of experimenters is a core unifying theme of the talk.

You only need some familiarity with high-school level diversity of subjects across basic subjects like history, geography, biology, etc. beyond being a bit brave and stubborn.

Some important landmarks in the journey include:

  1. European empirical traditions of Locke, Berkeley and Hume (its mathematical expressions like Charles Law and its pursuant New England Company in North America),
  2. Pre/Non-Judea-Christian Indo-European traditions (including those visiting the ancient temples of Gamla Uppsala) with a tri-partite notion of time and lack of ethical hierarchies over the set of Charles Darwin’s notion of biological species (mathematical expressions include Aryabhatta’s zero and Nagarjuna’s logical reasons for emptyness, Pingala’s reasons for Binomial coefficients and the ensuing spice trades giving birth to the negative numbers to book-keep ship-wrecks, etc).
  3. Native American traditions of the American Prairies with a form of purely-in-memory-and-experientially-evolvable oral traditions with radically different notions of space, time, peoples (Buffalo people, grass people, European peoples, Ogalala Lakota People, Cheyenne People, etc) and taxonomy (non-Linean cousin traditions that domesticated potatoes, corn, etc, for example).
  4. Current traditions and the stability of the joint operational environment (mathematical expressions include von Neumann’s MAD principle to ensure limits on operational intensities of current affairs).