ScaDaMaLe Course site and book

Wiki Clickstream Analysis

** Dataset: 3.2 billion requests collected during the month of February 2015 grouped by (src, dest) **

** Source: **

NY clickstream image

This notebook requires Spark 1.6+.

This notebook was originally a data analysis workflow developed with Databricks Community Edition, a free version of Databricks designed for learning Apache Spark.

Here we elucidate the original python notebook (also linked here) used in the talk by Michael Armbrust at Spark Summit East February 2016 shared from (watch later)

Michael Armbrust Spark Summit East

Data set

Wikipedia Logo

The data we are exploring in this lab is the February 2015 English Wikipedia Clickstream data, and it is available here:

According to Wikimedia:

"The data contains counts of (referer, resource) pairs extracted from the request logs of English Wikipedia. When a client requests a resource by following a link or performing a search, the URI of the webpage that linked to the resource is included with the request in an HTTP header called the "referer". This data captures 22 million (referer, resource) pairs from a total of 3.2 billion requests collected during the month of February 2015."

The data is approximately 1.2GB and it is hosted in the following Databricks file: /databricks-datasets/wikipedia-datasets/data-001/clickstream/raw-uncompressed

path name size
dbfs:/databricks-datasets/wikipedia-datasets/data-001/ data-001/ 0.0

Let us first understand this Wikimedia data set a bit more

Let's read the datahub-hosted link in the embedding below. Also click the blog by Ellery Wulczyn, Data Scientist at The Wikimedia Foundation, to better understand how the data was generated (remember to Right-Click and use -> and <- if navigating within the embedded html frame below).

Run the next two cells for some housekeeping.

if (org.apache.spark.BuildInfo.sparkBranch < "1.6") sys.error("Attach this notebook to a cluster running Spark 1.6+")
val data = sc.textFile("dbfs:///databricks-datasets/wikipedia-datasets/data-001/clickstream/raw-uncompressed")
data: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[String] = dbfs:///databricks-datasets/wikipedia-datasets/data-001/clickstream/raw-uncompressed MapPartitionsRDD[240] at textFile at command-685894176423189:1
prev_id	curr_id	n	prev_title	curr_title	type
	3632887	121	other-google	!!	other
	3632887	93	other-wikipedia	!!	other
	3632887	46	other-empty	!!	other
	3632887	10	other-other	!!	other
res4: Array[String] = Array(prev_id	curr_id	n	prev_title	curr_title	type, "	3632887	121	other-google	!!	other")
  • The first line looks like a header
  • The second line (separated from the first by ",") contains data organized according to the header, i.e., prev_id = 3632887, curr_id = 121", and so on.

Actually, here is the meaning of each column:

  • prev_id: if the referer does not correspond to an article in the main namespace of English Wikipedia, this value will be empty. Otherwise, it contains the unique MediaWiki page ID of the article corresponding to the referer i.e. the previous article the client was on

  • curr_id: the MediaWiki unique page ID of the article the client requested

  • prev_title: the result of mapping the referer URL to the fixed set of values described below

  • curr_title: the title of the article the client requested

  • n: the number of occurrences of the (referer, resource) pair

  • type

    • "link" if the referer and request are both articles and the referer links to the request
    • "redlink" if the referer is an article and links to the request, but the request is not in the production table
    • "other" if the referer and request are both articles but the referer does not link to the request. This can happen when clients search or spoof their refer

Referers were mapped to a fixed set of values corresponding to internal traffic or external traffic from one of the top 5 global traffic sources to English Wikipedia, based on this scheme:

  • an article in the main namespace of English Wikipedia -> the article title
  • any Wikipedia page that is not in the main namespace of English Wikipedia -> other-wikipedia
  • an empty referer -> other-empty
  • a page from any other Wikimedia project -> other-internal
  • Google -> other-google
  • Yahoo -> other-yahoo
  • Bing -> other-bing
  • Facebook -> other-facebook
  • Twitter -> other-twitter
  • anything else -> other-other

In the second line of the file above, we can see there were 121 clicks from Google to the Wikipedia page on "!!" (double exclamation marks). People search for everything!

  • prev_id = (nothing)
  • curr_id = 3632887 --> (Wikipedia page ID)
  • n = 121 (People clicked from Google to this page 121 times in this month.)
  • prev_title = other-google (This data record is for referals from Google.)
  • curr_title = !! (This Wikipedia page is about a double exclamation mark.)
  • type = other

Create a DataFrame from this CSV

  • From the next Spark release - 2.0, CSV as a datasource will be part of Spark's standard release. But, we are using Spark 1.6
// Load the raw dataset stored as a CSV file
val clickstream = sqlContext
    .options(Map("header" -> "true", "delimiter" -> "\t", "mode" -> "PERMISSIVE", "inferSchema" -> "true"))
clickstream: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [prev_id: int, curr_id: int ... 4 more fields]
 |-- prev_id: integer (nullable = true)
 |-- curr_id: integer (nullable = true)
 |-- n: integer (nullable = true)
 |-- prev_title: string (nullable = true)
 |-- curr_title: string (nullable = true)
 |-- type: string (nullable = true)
prev_id curr_id n prev_title curr_title type
null 3632887.0 121.0 other-google !! other
null 3632887.0 93.0 other-wikipedia !! other
null 3632887.0 46.0 other-empty !! other
null 3632887.0 10.0 other-other !! other
64486.0 3632887.0 11.0 !_(disambiguation) !! other
2061699.0 2556962.0 19.0 Louden_Up_Now !!!_(album) link
null 2556962.0 25.0 other-empty !!!_(album) other
null 2556962.0 16.0 other-google !!!_(album) other
null 2556962.0 44.0 other-wikipedia !!!_(album) other
64486.0 2556962.0 15.0 !_(disambiguation) !!!_(album) link
600744.0 2556962.0 297.0 !!! !!!_(album) link
null 6893310.0 11.0 other-empty !Hero_(album) other
1921683.0 6893310.0 26.0 !Hero !Hero_(album) link
null 6893310.0 16.0 other-wikipedia !Hero_(album) other
null 6893310.0 23.0 other-google !Hero_(album) other
8127304.0 2.2602473e7 16.0 Jericho_Rosales !Oka_Tokat link
3.5978874e7 2.2602473e7 20.0 List_of_telenovelas_of_ABS-CBN !Oka_Tokat link
null 2.2602473e7 57.0 other-google !Oka_Tokat other
null 2.2602473e7 12.0 other-wikipedia !Oka_Tokat other
null 2.2602473e7 23.0 other-empty !Oka_Tokat other
7360687.0 2.2602473e7 10.0 Rica_Peralejo !Oka_Tokat link
3.7104582e7 2.2602473e7 11.0 Jeepney_TV !Oka_Tokat link
3.437659e7 2.2602473e7 22.0 Oka_Tokat_(2012_TV_series) !Oka_Tokat link
null 6810768.0 20.0 other-wikipedia !T.O.O.H.! other
null 6810768.0 81.0 other-google !T.O.O.H.! other
3.1976181e7 6810768.0 51.0 List_of_death_metal_bands,_!–K !T.O.O.H.! link
null 6810768.0 35.0 other-empty !T.O.O.H.! other
null 3243047.0 21.0 other-empty !_(album) other
1337475.0 3243047.0 208.0 The_Dismemberment_Plan !_(album) link
3284285.0 3243047.0 78.0 The_Dismemberment_Plan_Is_Terrified !_(album) link
null 3243047.0 28.0 other-wikipedia !_(album) other
2098292.0 899480.0 58.0 United_States_military_award_devices "A"_Device link
194844.0 899480.0 15.0 USS_Yorktown_(CV-5) "A"_Device link
null 899480.0 17.0 other-google "A"_Device other
null 899480.0 13.0 other-empty "A"_Device other
null 899480.0 29.0 other-wikipedia "A"_Device other
878246.0 899480.0 11.0 American_Defense_Service_Medal "A"_Device link
855901.0 899480.0 24.0 Overseas_Service_Ribbon "A"_Device other
206427.0 899480.0 33.0 USS_Ranger_(CV-4) "A"_Device link
773691.0 899480.0 47.0 Antarctica_Service_Medal "A"_Device link
2301720.0 1282996.0 43.0 Kinsey_Millhone "A"_Is_for_Alibi link
null 1282996.0 45.0 other-empty "A"_Is_for_Alibi other
null 1282996.0 10.0 other-yahoo "A"_Is_for_Alibi other
470006.0 1282996.0 207.0 Sue_Grafton "A"_Is_for_Alibi link
null 1282996.0 18.0 other-other "A"_Is_for_Alibi other
null 1282996.0 31.0 other-wikipedia "A"_Is_for_Alibi other
null 1282996.0 272.0 other-google "A"_Is_for_Alibi other
3.9606873e7 1282996.0 10.0 "W"_Is_for_Wasted "A"_Is_for_Alibi link
2.6181056e7 9003666.0 17.0 And "And"_theory_of_conservatism link
null 9003666.0 109.0 other-wikipedia "And"_theory_of_conservatism other
null 9003666.0 18.0 other-google "And"_theory_of_conservatism other
null 3.9072529e7 49.0 other-google "Bassy"_Bob_Brockmann other
null 3.9072529e7 10.0 other-other "Bassy"_Bob_Brockmann other
1.1273993e7 null 15.0 Colt_1851_Navy_Revolver "Bigfoot"_Wallace redlink
1.2571133e7 2.5033979e7 12.0 "V"_Is_for_Vagina "C"_is_for_(Please_Insert_Sophomoric_Genitalia_Reference_HERE) link
113468.0 2.5033979e7 24.0 The_Mission "C"_is_for_(Please_Insert_Sophomoric_Genitalia_Reference_HERE) link
1.4096078e7 2.5033979e7 15.0 Trent_Reznor_discography "C"_is_for_(Please_Insert_Sophomoric_Genitalia_Reference_HERE) other
null 2.5033979e7 42.0 other-empty "C"_is_for_(Please_Insert_Sophomoric_Genitalia_Reference_HERE) other
1375614.0 2.5033979e7 15.0 Tapeworm_(band) "C"_is_for_(Please_Insert_Sophomoric_Genitalia_Reference_HERE) other
159547.0 2.5033979e7 25.0 Milla_Jovovich "C"_is_for_(Please_Insert_Sophomoric_Genitalia_Reference_HERE) other
2.8639397e7 2.5033979e7 73.0 Sound_into_Blood_into_Wine "C"_is_for_(Please_Insert_Sophomoric_Genitalia_Reference_HERE) link
1893465.0 2.5033979e7 30.0 Carina_Round "C"_is_for_(Please_Insert_Sophomoric_Genitalia_Reference_HERE) other
3.3622887e7 2.5033979e7 10.0 Conditions_of_My_Parole "C"_is_for_(Please_Insert_Sophomoric_Genitalia_Reference_HERE) link
147692.0 2.5033979e7 25.0 Tim_Alexander "C"_is_for_(Please_Insert_Sophomoric_Genitalia_Reference_HERE) other
4619790.0 2.5033979e7 593.0 Puscifer "C"_is_for_(Please_Insert_Sophomoric_Genitalia_Reference_HERE) link
null 2.5033979e7 36.0 other-wikipedia "C"_is_for_(Please_Insert_Sophomoric_Genitalia_Reference_HERE) other
null 2.5033979e7 93.0 other-google "C"_is_for_(Please_Insert_Sophomoric_Genitalia_Reference_HERE) other
69161.0 null 51.0 Tết "Chúc_Mừng_Năm_Mới"_or_best_wishes_for_the_new_year. redlink
1438509.0 null 14.0 List_of_Old_West_gunfighters "Cool_Hand_Conor"_O'Neill redlink
null 331586.0 6820.0 other-google "Crocodile"_Dundee other
null 331586.0 20.0 other-twitter "Crocodile"_Dundee other
null 331586.0 781.0 other-wikipedia "Crocodile"_Dundee other
489033.0 331586.0 59.0 List_of_Academy_Awards_ceremonies "Crocodile"_Dundee link
1.0040606e7 331586.0 38.0 List_of_Australian_films "Crocodile"_Dundee other
2564144.0 331586.0 154.0 Crocodile_Dundee_in_Los_Angeles "Crocodile"_Dundee link
6127928.0 331586.0 14.0 Bobby_Alto "Crocodile"_Dundee other
152171.0 331586.0 13.0 Baz_Luhrmann "Crocodile"_Dundee link
8078282.0 331586.0 348.0 Australia_(2008_film) "Crocodile"_Dundee link
3.7386608e7 331586.0 66.0 2015_in_film "Crocodile"_Dundee link
34557.0 331586.0 12.0 1980s "Crocodile"_Dundee other
1118809.0 331586.0 297.0 "Crocodile"_Dundee_II "Crocodile"_Dundee link
7033.0 331586.0 52.0 Caitlin_Clarke "Crocodile"_Dundee other
72766.0 331586.0 31.0 Dundee_(disambiguation) "Crocodile"_Dundee other
171612.0 331586.0 221.0 1986_in_film "Crocodile"_Dundee link
2376452.0 331586.0 34.0 Australian_New_Wave "Crocodile"_Dundee other
1248074.0 331586.0 60.0 David_Gulpilil "Crocodile"_Dundee link
865241.0 331586.0 10.0 Crocodile_Hunter "Crocodile"_Dundee other
196020.0 331586.0 12.0 Crocodilia "Crocodile"_Dundee link
643649.0 331586.0 85.0 List_of_most_watched_television_broadcasts "Crocodile"_Dundee link
8306521.0 331586.0 13.0 Anne_Carlisle "Crocodile"_Dundee other
1448969.0 331586.0 18.0 Bart_vs._Australia "Crocodile"_Dundee other
70209.0 331586.0 153.0 Cinema_of_Australia "Crocodile"_Dundee link
4008173.0 331586.0 18.0 59th_Academy_Awards "Crocodile"_Dundee link
331460.0 331586.0 17.0 Bowie_knife "Crocodile"_Dundee link
37882.0 331586.0 21.0 Crocodile "Crocodile"_Dundee other
4.4789934e7 331586.0 1283.0 Deaths_in_2015 "Crocodile"_Dundee link
2.2344579e7 331586.0 30.0 Academy_Award_for_Best_Original_Screenplay "Crocodile"_Dundee link
1872502.0 331586.0 10.0 Boy-Scoutz_'n_the_Hood "Crocodile"_Dundee other
5644.0 331586.0 13.0 Comedy_film "Crocodile"_Dundee link
458340.0 331586.0 10.0 List_of_films_set_in_New_York_City "Crocodile"_Dundee other
905528.0 331586.0 20.0 List_of_films_set_in_Australia "Crocodile"_Dundee other
1.9924718e7 331586.0 12.0 Hello_Kitty's_Furry_Tale_Theater "Crocodile"_Dundee other
1422400.0 331586.0 147.0 Linda_Kozlowski "Crocodile"_Dundee other
1.0449888e7 331586.0 28.0 List_of_Paramount_Pictures_films "Crocodile"_Dundee link
1.1730578e7 331586.0 20.0 List_of_American_films_of_1986 "Crocodile"_Dundee other
2321513.0 331586.0 45.0 John_Meillon "Crocodile"_Dundee link
null 331586.0 910.0 other-empty "Crocodile"_Dundee other
238004.0 331586.0 15.0 The_Rescuers_Down_Under "Crocodile"_Dundee other
483895.0 331586.0 13.0 Young_Einstein "Crocodile"_Dundee link
6534317.0 331586.0 21.0 The_Man_from_Snowy_River_(1982_film) "Crocodile"_Dundee other
61066.0 331586.0 11.0 Skippy_the_Bush_Kangaroo "Crocodile"_Dundee link
1.0670306e7 331586.0 83.0 Michael_"Crocodile"_Dundee "Crocodile"_Dundee link
693780.0 331586.0 1222.0 Paul_Hogan "Crocodile"_Dundee link
566405.0 331586.0 26.0 Saltwater_crocodile "Crocodile"_Dundee other
null 331586.0 274.0 other-yahoo "Crocodile"_Dundee other
2.081381e7 331586.0 13.0 Peter_Best_(composer) "Crocodile"_Dundee other
1260945.0 331586.0 28.0 Reginald_VelJohnson "Crocodile"_Dundee other
1065264.0 331586.0 12.0 Plaza_Hotel "Crocodile"_Dundee link
4.0156059e7 331586.0 30.0 Live_It_Up_(Mental_As_Anything_song) "Crocodile"_Dundee link
1.5580374e7 331586.0 289.0 Main_Page "Crocodile"_Dundee other
1264623.0 331586.0 14.0 Mental_As_Anything "Crocodile"_Dundee link
2.246655e7 331586.0 16.0 Paul_Greco "Crocodile"_Dundee other
22918.0 331586.0 140.0 Paramount_Pictures "Crocodile"_Dundee link
1352817.0 331586.0 31.0 Rodney_Ansell "Crocodile"_Dundee link
null 331586.0 308.0 other-other "Crocodile"_Dundee other
6873934.0 331586.0 11.0 Steve_Irwin "Crocodile"_Dundee other
null 331586.0 417.0 other-bing "Crocodile"_Dundee other
88609.0 331586.0 38.0 Star_Trek_IV:_The_Voyage_Home "Crocodile"_Dundee link
4464034.0 331586.0 1690.0 Terry_Gill "Crocodile"_Dundee link
4148842.0 331586.0 17.0 The_Cowboy_Way_(film) "Crocodile"_Dundee other
2747201.0 331586.0 33.0 Shrimp_on_the_barbie "Crocodile"_Dundee other
885480.0 331586.0 20.0 The_Adventures_of_Bayou_Billy "Crocodile"_Dundee other
470006.0 1.6250593e7 24.0 Sue_Grafton "D"_Is_for_Deadbeat link
1.6250549e7 1.6250593e7 31.0 "C"_Is_for_Corpse "D"_Is_for_Deadbeat link
null 1.6250593e7 21.0 other-google "D"_Is_for_Deadbeat other
2301720.0 1.6250593e7 10.0 Kinsey_Millhone "D"_Is_for_Deadbeat link
null 1.6250593e7 15.0 other-empty "D"_Is_for_Deadbeat other
4619790.0 null 47.0 Puscifer "D"_Is_for_Dubby_–_The_Lustmord_Dub_Mixes redlink
1.6079543e7 null 43.0 "V"_Is_for_Viagra._The_Remixes "D"_Is_for_Dubby_–_The_Lustmord_Dub_Mixes redlink
2.5033979e7 null 18.0 "C"_is_for_(Please_Insert_Sophomoric_Genitalia_Reference_HERE) "D"_Is_for_Dubby_–_The_Lustmord_Dub_Mixes redlink
238341.0 3.9304968e7 44.0 David_Hockney "David_Hockney:_A_Bigger_Picture"_in_Bilbao link
1728819.0 3.9304968e7 17.0 Brian_Sewell "David_Hockney:_A_Bigger_Picture"_in_Bilbao link
null 3.9304968e7 108.0 other-google "David_Hockney:_A_Bigger_Picture"_in_Bilbao other
2548364.0 1896643.0 25.0 Dutch_Mantel "Dr._Death"_Steve_Williams link
1910311.0 1896643.0 34.0 Clash_of_the_Champions "Dr._Death"_Steve_Williams link
1451758.0 1896643.0 33.0 Alexey_Ignashov "Dr._Death"_Steve_Williams link
1983348.0 1896643.0 15.0 Dan_Spivey "Dr._Death"_Steve_Williams link
1691016.0 1896643.0 31.0 Kevin_Sullivan_(wrestler) "Dr._Death"_Steve_Williams link
1.6409926e7 1896643.0 19.0 Learning_the_Ropes "Dr._Death"_Steve_Williams link
1002441.0 1896643.0 238.0 Jim_Ross "Dr._Death"_Steve_Williams link
2004376.0 1896643.0 12.0 List_of_NWA_World_Tag_Team_Champions "Dr._Death"_Steve_Williams link
306115.0 1896643.0 27.0 List_of_Extreme_Championship_Wrestling_alumni "Dr._Death"_Steve_Williams link
2.4445746e7 1896643.0 20.0 List_of_Legends_of_Wrestling_characters "Dr._Death"_Steve_Williams link
1441354.0 1896643.0 19.0 Jushin_Thunder_Liger "Dr._Death"_Steve_Williams link
1902117.0 1896643.0 24.0 List_of_World_Championship_Wrestling_alumni "Dr._Death"_Steve_Williams link
3.9275628e7 1896643.0 38.0 List_of_professional_wrestlers_by_MMA_record "Dr._Death"_Steve_Williams link
3.3244435e7 1896643.0 72.0 List_of_Wrestling_Observer_Newsletter_awards "Dr._Death"_Steve_Williams link
null 1896643.0 1227.0 other-google "Dr._Death"_Steve_Williams other
null 1896643.0 226.0 other-wikipedia "Dr._Death"_Steve_Williams other
307526.0 1896643.0 24.0 Raven_(wrestler) "Dr._Death"_Steve_Williams link
1871528.0 1896643.0 75.0 Mike_Polchlopek "Dr._Death"_Steve_Williams link
1235858.0 1896643.0 31.0 Ron_Simmons "Dr._Death"_Steve_Williams link
3730230.0 1896643.0 46.0 Powerslam "Dr._Death"_Steve_Williams link
1779766.0 1896643.0 21.0 Nikita_Koloff "Dr._Death"_Steve_Williams link
9044129.0 1896643.0 10.0 Salman_Hashimikov "Dr._Death"_Steve_Williams link
1854348.0 1896643.0 36.0 Michael_Hayes_(wrestler) "Dr._Death"_Steve_Williams link
690045.0 1896643.0 21.0 Sid_Eudy "Dr._Death"_Steve_Williams link
1984531.0 1896643.0 30.0 Skandor_Akbar "Dr._Death"_Steve_Williams link
844984.0 1896643.0 23.0 Ring_name "Dr._Death"_Steve_Williams link
3.086496e7 1896643.0 46.0 Mike_Rotunda "Dr._Death"_Steve_Williams link
1887139.0 1896643.0 15.0 The_Blade_Runners "Dr._Death"_Steve_Williams link
1.7599211e7 1896643.0 17.0 Starrcade_(1987) "Dr._Death"_Steve_Williams link
2143297.0 1896643.0 42.0 Triple_Crown_Heavyweight_Championship "Dr._Death"_Steve_Williams link
1873599.0 1896643.0 104.0 Terry_Gordy "Dr._Death"_Steve_Williams link
472883.0 1896643.0 47.0 Universal_Wrestling_Federation_(Bill_Watts) "Dr._Death"_Steve_Williams link
null 1896643.0 190.0 other-empty "Dr._Death"_Steve_Williams other
1848273.0 1896643.0 39.0 Vampiro "Dr._Death"_Steve_Williams link
579700.0 1896643.0 245.0 Steve_Williams "Dr._Death"_Steve_Williams link
1.326827e7 1896643.0 17.0 The_Miracle_Violence_Connection "Dr._Death"_Steve_Williams link
2100406.0 1896643.0 38.0 The_Bushwhackers "Dr._Death"_Steve_Williams link
2267673.0 1896643.0 45.0 Wrestling_Observer_Newsletter_Hall_of_Fame "Dr._Death"_Steve_Williams link
2001780.0 1896643.0 10.0 Carl_Ouellet "Dr._Death"_Steve_Williams link
1889491.0 1896643.0 128.0 Dr._Death "Dr._Death"_Steve_Williams link
2748007.0 1896643.0 28.0 Bill_Watts "Dr._Death"_Steve_Williams link
591757.0 1896643.0 33.0 Big_Boss_Man_(wrestler) "Dr._Death"_Steve_Williams link
1912776.0 1896643.0 12.0 Chi-Town_Rumble "Dr._Death"_Steve_Williams link
1027406.0 1896643.0 18.0 Big_Van_Vader "Dr._Death"_Steve_Williams link
1690819.0 1896643.0 11.0 Barry_Windham "Dr._Death"_Steve_Williams link
2024278.0 1896643.0 17.0 Kenta_Kobashi "Dr._Death"_Steve_Williams link
1931006.0 1896643.0 44.0 John_Laurinaitis "Dr._Death"_Steve_Williams link
272874.0 1896643.0 24.0 Lex_Luger "Dr._Death"_Steve_Williams link
3864676.0 1896643.0 10.0 Gary_Albright "Dr._Death"_Steve_Williams link
3.0654736e7 1896643.0 17.0 List_of_Pro_Wrestling_Illustrated_awards "Dr._Death"_Steve_Williams link
1911262.0 1896643.0 11.0 Halloween_Havoc "Dr._Death"_Steve_Williams link
795587.0 1896643.0 105.0 Jerry_Only "Dr._Death"_Steve_Williams link
1785504.0 1896643.0 16.0 Ed_Ferrara "Dr._Death"_Steve_Williams link
2.1771811e7 1896643.0 51.0 List_of_WWE_alumni_(S–Z) "Dr._Death"_Steve_Williams link
1985456.0 1896643.0 12.0 List_of_WCW_World_Tag_Team_Champions "Dr._Death"_Steve_Williams link
null 1896643.0 54.0 other-other "Dr._Death"_Steve_Williams other
null 1896643.0 70.0 other-yahoo "Dr._Death"_Steve_Williams other
1683451.0 1896643.0 10.0 Paul_Orndorff "Dr._Death"_Steve_Williams link
1766555.0 1896643.0 34.0 One_Man_Gang "Dr._Death"_Steve_Williams link
1940350.0 1896643.0 12.0 Powerbomb "Dr._Death"_Steve_Williams other
993933.0 1896643.0 17.0 Rikishi_(wrestler) "Dr._Death"_Steve_Williams link
1286898.0 1896643.0 19.0 Mitsuharu_Misawa "Dr._Death"_Steve_Williams link
1840022.0 1896643.0 36.0 Pro_Wrestling_Illustrated "Dr._Death"_Steve_Williams link
4167276.0 1896643.0 27.0 Serena_Deeb "Dr._Death"_Steve_Williams link
674611.0 1896643.0 18.0 Tazz "Dr._Death"_Steve_Williams link
471752.0 1896643.0 19.0 World_Class_Championship_Wrestling "Dr._Death"_Steve_Williams link
null 1896643.0 75.0 other-bing "Dr._Death"_Steve_Williams other
2652496.0 1896643.0 12.0 Virtual_Pro_Wrestling_2:_Ōdō_Keishō "Dr._Death"_Steve_Williams link
882433.0 1896643.0 14.0 Theodore_Long "Dr._Death"_Steve_Williams link
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3.4571991e7 2.8612415e7 446.0 Tension_(Die_Antwoord_album) $O$_(Die_Antwoord_album) other
2.8196738e7 2.8612415e7 32.0 MaxNormal.TV $O$_(Die_Antwoord_album) other
null 2.8612415e7 241.0 other-empty $O$_(Die_Antwoord_album) other
null 2.8612415e7 541.0 other-google $O$_(Die_Antwoord_album) other
null 2.8612415e7 30.0 other-wikipedia $O$_(Die_Antwoord_album) other
3.5421075e7 2.8612415e7 49.0 Evil_Boy $O$_(Die_Antwoord_album) other
2.6050642e7 2.8612415e7 2527.0 Die_Antwoord $O$_(Die_Antwoord_album) other
2.2155074e7 1.0231968e7 11.0 C$_(disambiguation) $_(disambiguation) link
2308563.0 1.0231968e7 140.0 Dollar_sign $_(disambiguation) link
null 1.0231968e7 14.0 other-google $_(disambiguation) other
null 1.0231968e7 88.0 other-wikipedia $_(disambiguation) other
null 1.0231968e7 116.0 other-empty $_(disambiguation) other
3361673.0 4213160.0 25.0 Town_&_Country_(film) $_(film) link
801116.0 4213160.0 31.0 Richard_Brooks $_(film) link
null 4213160.0 75.0 other-empty $_(film) other
171680.0 4213160.0 10.0 1971_in_film $_(film) link
313518.0 4213160.0 37.0 Gert_Fröbe $_(film) link
48071.0 4213160.0 123.0 Goldie_Hawn $_(film) link
1022198.0 4213160.0 12.0 Heist $_(film) link
null 4213160.0 10.0 other-other $_(film) other
62809.0 4213160.0 140.0 Warren_Beatty $_(film) link
null 4213160.0 40.0 other-wikipedia $_(film) other
null 4213160.0 86.0 other-google $_(film) other
1.2379987e7 4213160.0 14.0 List_of_crime_films_of_the_1970s $_(film) link
1.198473e7 4597115.0 11.0 Index_of_human_sexuality_articles $pread link
null 4597115.0 26.0 other-empty $pread other
2.2814756e7 4597115.0 12.0 Madison_Young $pread link
null 4597115.0 99.0 other-google $pread other
null 4597115.0 32.0 other-wikipedia $pread other
3.3545134e7 4597115.0 27.0 Nica_Noelle $pread link
326309.0 1831030.0 15.0 Robert_Goulet $pringfield_(or,_How_I_Learned_to_Stop_Worrying_and_Love_Legalized_Gambling) other
1681057.0 1831030.0 14.0 Treehouse_of_Horror_XIII $pringfield_(or,_How_I_Learned_to_Stop_Worrying_and_Love_Legalized_Gambling) other
null 1831030.0 17.0 other-bing $pringfield_(or,_How_I_Learned_to_Stop_Worrying_and_Love_Legalized_Gambling) other
3620042.0 1831030.0 11.0 Sweet_Seymour_Skinner's_Baadasssss_Song $pringfield_(or,_How_I_Learned_to_Stop_Worrying_and_Love_Legalized_Gambling) link
57850.0 1831030.0 13.0 Springfield $pringfield_(or,_How_I_Learned_to_Stop_Worrying_and_Love_Legalized_Gambling) other
4939444.0 1831030.0 84.0 The_Simpsons_(season_5) $pringfield_(or,_How_I_Learned_to_Stop_Worrying_and_Love_Legalized_Gambling) link
292279.0 1831030.0 32.0 List_of_recurring_The_Simpsons_characters $pringfield_(or,_How_I_Learned_to_Stop_Worrying_and_Love_Legalized_Gambling) other
140332.0 1831030.0 149.0 List_of_The_Simpsons_episodes $pringfield_(or,_How_I_Learned_to_Stop_Worrying_and_Love_Legalized_Gambling) link
14059.0 1831030.0 77.0 Howard_Hughes $pringfield_(or,_How_I_Learned_to_Stop_Worrying_and_Love_Legalized_Gambling) other
null 1831030.0 48.0 other-wikipedia $pringfield_(or,_How_I_Learned_to_Stop_Worrying_and_Love_Legalized_Gambling) other
null 1831030.0 741.0 other-google $pringfield_(or,_How_I_Learned_to_Stop_Worrying_and_Love_Legalized_Gambling) other
598368.0 1831030.0 12.0 Josh_Weinstein $pringfield_(or,_How_I_Learned_to_Stop_Worrying_and_Love_Legalized_Gambling) other
2011385.0 1831030.0 29.0 Homer_the_Vigilante $pringfield_(or,_How_I_Learned_to_Stop_Worrying_and_Love_Legalized_Gambling) link
1889929.0 1831030.0 12.0 Saddlesore_Galactica $pringfield_(or,_How_I_Learned_to_Stop_Worrying_and_Love_Legalized_Gambling) other
null 1831030.0 270.0 other-empty $pringfield_(or,_How_I_Learned_to_Stop_Worrying_and_Love_Legalized_Gambling) other
3605255.0 1831030.0 44.0 The_Last_Temptation_of_Homer $pringfield_(or,_How_I_Learned_to_Stop_Worrying_and_Love_Legalized_Gambling) link
null 1578140.0 1820.0 other-google %s other
null 1578140.0 13.0 other-twitter %s other
null 1578140.0 233.0 other-wikipedia %s other
null 1578140.0 29756.0 other-empty %s other

Display is a utility provided by Databricks. If you are programming directly in Spark, use the show(numRows: Int) function of DataFrame
|prev_id|curr_id|  n|        prev_title|curr_title| type|
|   null|3632887|121|      other-google|        !!|other|
|   null|3632887| 93|   other-wikipedia|        !!|other|
|   null|3632887| 46|       other-empty|        !!|other|
|   null|3632887| 10|       other-other|        !!|other|
|  64486|3632887| 11|!_(disambiguation)|        !!|other|
only showing top 5 rows

Reading from disk vs memory

The 1.2 GB Clickstream file is currently on S3, which means each time you scan through it, your Spark cluster has to read the 1.2 GB of data remotely over the network.

Call the count() action to check how many rows are in the DataFrame and to see how long it takes to read the DataFrame from S3.

res9: Long = 22509897
  • It took about several minutes to read the 1.2 GB file into your Spark cluster. The file has 22.5 million rows/lines.
  • Although we have called cache, remember that it is evaluated (cached) only when an action(count) is called

Now call count again to see how much faster it is to read from memory

res10: Long = 22509897
  • Orders of magnitude faster!
  • If you are going to be using the same data source multiple times, it is better to cache it in memory

What are the top 10 articles requested?

To do this we also need to order by the sum of column n, in descending order.

//Type in your answer here...
  .select(clickstream("curr_title"), clickstream("n"))
curr_title sum(n)
Main_Page 1.2750062e8
87th_Academy_Awards 2559794.0
Fifty_Shades_of_Grey 2326175.0
Alive 2244781.0
Chris_Kyle 1709341.0
Fifty_Shades_of_Grey_(film) 1683892.0
Deaths_in_2015 1614577.0
Birdman_(film) 1545842.0
Islamic_State_of_Iraq_and_the_Levant 1406530.0
Stephen_Hawking 1384193.0

Who sent the most traffic to Wikipedia in Feb 2015?

In other words, who were the top referers to Wikipedia?

  .select(clickstream("prev_title"), clickstream("n"))
prev_title sum(n)
other-google 1.496209976e9
other-empty 3.47693595e8
other-wikipedia 1.29772279e8
other-other 7.7569671e7
other-bing 6.5962792e7
other-yahoo 4.8501171e7
Main_Page 2.9923502e7
other-twitter 1.9241298e7
other-facebook 2314026.0
87th_Academy_Awards 1680675.0

As expected, the top referer by a large margin is Google. Next comes refererless traffic (usually clients using HTTPS). The third largest sender of traffic to English Wikipedia are Wikipedia pages that are not in the main namespace (ns = 0) of English Wikipedia. Learn about the Wikipedia namespaces here:

Also, note that Twitter sends 10x more requests to Wikipedia than Facebook.

//Type in your answer here...
  .select(clickstream("curr_title"), clickstream("prev_title"), clickstream("n"))
  .filter("prev_title = 'other-twitter'")
curr_title sum(n)
Johnny_Knoxville 198908.0
Peter_Woodcock 126259.0
2002_Tampa_plane_crash 119906.0
Sơn_Đoòng_Cave 116012.0
The_boy_Jones 114401.0
val allClicks = clickstream.selectExpr("sum(n)").first.getLong(0)
val referals = clickstream.
(referals * 100.0) / allClicks
allClicks: Long = 3283067885
referals: Long = 1095462001
res14: Double = 33.36702253416853
FROM clicks
  curr_title = 'Donald_Trump' AND
  prev_id IS NOT NULL AND prev_title != 'Main_Page'
prev_id curr_id n prev_title curr_title type
1861441.0 4848272.0 4658.0 Ivanka_Trump Donald_Trump link
4848272.0 4848272.0 2212.0 Donald_Trump Donald_Trump link
1209075.0 4848272.0 1855.0 Melania_Trump Donald_Trump link
1057887.0 4848272.0 1760.0 Ivana_Trump Donald_Trump link
5679119.0 4848272.0 1074.0 Donald_Trump_Jr. Donald_Trump link
2.1377251e7 4848272.0 918.0 United_States_presidential_election,_2016 Donald_Trump link
8095589.0 4848272.0 728.0 Eric_Trump Donald_Trump link
473806.0 4848272.0 652.0 Marla_Maples Donald_Trump link
2565136.0 4848272.0 651.0 The_Trump_Organization Donald_Trump link
9917693.0 4848272.0 599.0 The_Celebrity_Apprentice Donald_Trump link
9289480.0 4848272.0 597.0 The_Apprentice_(U.S._TV_series) Donald_Trump link
290327.0 4848272.0 596.0 German_American Donald_Trump link
1.2643497e7 4848272.0 585.0 Comedy_Central_Roast Donald_Trump link
3.7643999e7 4848272.0 549.0 Republican_Party_presidential_candidates,_2016 Donald_Trump link
417559.0 4848272.0 543.0 Alan_Sugar Donald_Trump link
1203316.0 4848272.0 489.0 Fred_Trump Donald_Trump link
303951.0 4848272.0 426.0 Vince_McMahon Donald_Trump link
6191053.0 4848272.0 413.0 Jared_Kushner Donald_Trump link
1295216.0 4848272.0 412.0 Trump_Tower_(New_York_City) Donald_Trump link
6509278.0 4848272.0 402.0 Trump Donald_Trump link

YouTry: Top referrers to other 2016 US presidential candidate pages

'Donald_Trump', 'Bernie_Sanders', 'Hillary_Rodham_Clinton', 'Ted_Cruz'

-- YouTry 
-- fill in the right sql query here

Load a visualization library

This code is copied after doing a live google search (by Michael Armbrust at Spark Summit East February 2016 shared from The d3ivan package is an updated version of the original package used by Michael Armbrust as it needed some TLC for Spark 2.2 on newer databricks notebook. These changes were kindly made by Ivan Sadikov from Middle Earth.

You need to hit the Play Button in next cell and 'Run Cell' exactly once.

package d3ivan
// We use a package object so that we can define top level classes like Edge that need to be used in other cells

import org.apache.spark.sql._
import com.databricks.backend.daemon.driver.EnhancedRDDFunctions.displayHTML

case class Edge(src: String, dest: String, count: Long)

case class Node(name: String)
case class Link(source: Int, target: Int, value: Long)
case class Graph(nodes: Seq[Node], links: Seq[Link])

object graphs {
// val sqlContext = SQLContext.getOrCreate(org.apache.spark.SparkContext.getOrCreate())  /// fix
val sqlContext = SparkSession.builder().getOrCreate().sqlContext
import sqlContext.implicits._
def force(clicks: Dataset[Edge], height: Int = 100, width: Int = 960): Unit = {
  val data = clicks.collect()
  val nodes = ( ++"_", " "))
  val links = { t =>
    Link(nodes.indexWhere( == t.src.replaceAll("_", " ")), nodes.indexWhere( == t.dest.replaceAll("_", " ")), t.count / 20 + 1)
  showGraph(height, width, Seq(Graph(nodes, links)).toDF().toJSON.first())

 * Displays a force directed graph using d3
 * input: {"nodes": [{"name": "..."}], "links": [{"source": 1, "target": 2, "value": 0}]}
def showGraph(height: Int, width: Int, graph: String): Unit = {


.node_circle {
  stroke: #777;
  stroke-width: 1.3px;

.node_label {
  pointer-events: none;

.link {
  stroke: #777;
  stroke-opacity: .2;

.node_count {
  stroke: #777;
  stroke-width: 1.0px;
  fill: #999;

text.legend {
  font-family: Verdana;
  font-size: 13px;
  fill: #000;

.node text {
  font-family: "Helvetica Neue","Helvetica","Arial",sans-serif;
  font-size: 17px;
  font-weight: 200;


<div id="clicks-graph">
<script src="//"></script>

var graph = $graph;

var width = $width,
    height = $height;

var color = d3.scale.category20();

var force = d3.layout.force()
    .size([width, height]);

var svg ="#clicks-graph").append("svg")
    .attr("width", width)
    .attr("height", height);

var link = svg.selectAll(".link")
    .attr("class", "link")
    .style("stroke-width", function(d) { return Math.sqrt(d.value); });

var node = svg.selectAll(".node")
    .attr("class", "node")

    .attr("r", 10)
    .style("fill", function (d) {
    if ("other")) { return color(1); } else { return color(2); };

      .attr("dx", 10)
      .attr("dy", ".35em")
      .text(function(d) { return });
//Now we are giving the SVGs co-ordinates - the force layout is generating the co-ordinates which this code is using to update the attributes of the SVG elements
force.on("tick", function () {
    link.attr("x1", function (d) {
        return d.source.x;
        .attr("y1", function (d) {
        return d.source.y;
        .attr("x2", function (d) {
        .attr("y2", function (d) {
    d3.selectAll("circle").attr("cx", function (d) {
        return d.x;
        .attr("cy", function (d) {
        return d.y;
    d3.selectAll("text").attr("x", function (d) {
        return d.x;
        .attr("y", function (d) {
        return d.y;
  def help() = {
Produces a force-directed graph given a collection of edges of the following form:</br>
<tt><font color="#a71d5d">case class</font> <font color="#795da3">Edge</font>(<font color="#ed6a43">src</font>: <font color="#a71d5d">String</font>, <font color="#ed6a43">dest</font>: <font color="#a71d5d">String</font>, <font color="#ed6a43">count</font>: <font color="#a71d5d">Long</font>)</tt>
<tt><font color="#a71d5d">import</font> <font color="#ed6a43">d3._</font></tt><br/>
<tt><font color="#795da3">graphs.force</font>(</br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color="#ed6a43">height</font> = <font color="#795da3">500</font>,<br/>
&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color="#ed6a43">width</font> = <font color="#795da3">500</font>,<br/>
&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color="#ed6a43">clicks</font>: <font color="#795da3">Dataset</font>[<font color="#795da3">Edge</font>])</tt>
Warning: classes defined within packages cannot be redefined without a cluster restart.
Compilation successful.

Produces a force-directed graph given a collection of edges of the following form:
case class Edge(src: String, dest: String, count: Long)

import d3._
  height = 500,
  width = 500,
  clicks: Dataset[Edge])

  height = 800,
  width = 800,
  clicks = sql("""
      prev_title AS src,
      curr_title AS dest,
      n AS count FROM clicks
      curr_title IN ('Donald_Trump', 'Bernie_Sanders', 'Hillary_Rodham_Clinton', 'Ted_Cruz') AND
      prev_id IS NOT NULL AND prev_title != 'Main_Page'
    LIMIT 20""").as[d3ivan.Edge])

What we have done above is essentially pass the output of an SQL query into a D3 visualizer via javascript. Don't worry about all the details. The main idea here is that SQL and interactive visualizations usually come together in a proper data exploratory tool and the above steps are minimal excursions into how to do it in a simple way from within a notebook environment like databricks. Python and R have many plotting libraries and we can always write the dataframe to parquet and load it into pySpark or SparkR to leverage those languages. But D3 is a nice solutions also especially if you want somethinf customized for your queries.

Convert raw data to parquet


Apache Parquet is a columnar storage format available to any project in the Hadoop ecosystem, regardless of the choice of data processing framework, data model or programming language. It is a more efficient way to store data frames.

// Convert the DatFrame to a more efficent format to speed up our analysis

Load parquet file efficiently and quickly into a DataFrame

Now we can simply load from this parquet file next time instead of creating the RDD from the text file (much slower).

Also using parquet files to store DataFrames allows us to go between languages quickly in a a scalable manner.

val clicks ="/datasets/wiki-clickstream")
clicks: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [prev_id: int, curr_id: int ... 4 more fields]
 |-- prev_id: integer (nullable = true)
 |-- curr_id: integer (nullable = true)
 |-- n: integer (nullable = true)
 |-- prev_title: string (nullable = true)
 |-- curr_title: string (nullable = true)
 |-- type: string (nullable = true)
display(clicks)  // let's display this DataFrame
prev_id curr_id n prev_title curr_title type
1.3710401e7 1.2653094e7 12.0 Punk_rock_subgenres Music_genre link
25423.0 1.2653094e7 16.0 Rock_music Music_genre other
178244.0 1.2653094e7 10.0 Muse_(band) Music_genre link
156547.0 1.2653094e7 10.0 Remix Music_genre link
1564758.0 1.2653094e7 73.0 Pop_rock Music_genre link
18839.0 1.2653094e7 203.0 Music Music_genre link
5079506.0 1.2653094e7 10.0 Pink_Floyd Music_genre link
24624.0 1.2653094e7 167.0 Pop_music Music_genre link
379560.0 1.2653094e7 15.0 Musical_form Music_genre link
1.5580374e7 1.2653094e7 197.0 Main_Page Music_genre other
2.4297671e7 1.2653094e7 862.0 Popular_music Music_genre link
1.2653094e7 1.2653094e7 23.0 Music_genre Music_genre other
25520.0 1.2653094e7 90.0 Reggae Music_genre link
54783.0 1.2653094e7 18.0 Music_theory Music_genre link
147311.0 1.2653094e7 14.0 Ray_Charles Music_genre link
8886086.0 1.2653094e7 11.0 Oi! Music_genre link
19499.0 1.2653094e7 10.0 Mariah_Carey Music_genre link
3.8954428e7 1.2653094e7 23.0 Sam_Smith_(singer) Music_genre link
2110323.0 1.2653094e7 12.0 Rihanna Music_genre link
null 1.2653094e7 632.0 other-other Music_genre other
null 1.2653094e7 20.0 other-facebook Music_genre other
62808.0 1.2653094e7 56.0 Soul_music Music_genre link
null 1.2653094e7 514.0 other-bing Music_genre other
162707.0 1.2653094e7 95.0 Singing Music_genre link
5422144.0 1.2653094e7 35.0 Taylor_Swift Music_genre link
27176.0 1.2653094e7 16.0 Ska Music_genre link
28830.0 1.2653094e7 21.0 Song Music_genre link
4.1884523e7 1.2653094e7 22.0 Vaporwave Music_genre other
295560.0 1.2653094e7 13.0 Style Music_genre link
424093.0 1.2653094e7 10.0 1990s_in_music Music_genre other
236918.0 1.2653094e7 14.0 Concert Music_genre other
41536.0 1.2653094e7 11.0 Duke_Ellington Music_genre link
2.5276055e7 1.2653094e7 16.0 Ariana_Grande Music_genre link
363651.0 1.2653094e7 10.0 Dark_wave Music_genre link
183304.0 1.2653094e7 11.0 Dub_(music) Music_genre link
4637590.0 1.2653094e7 16.0 Bob_Dylan Music_genre link
83688.0 1.2653094e7 16.0 Beyoncé Music_genre link
3.0528002e7 1.2653094e7 17.0 Ed_Sheeran Music_genre link
8239846.0 1.2653094e7 10.0 Bob_Marley Music_genre link
880.0 1.2653094e7 10.0 ABBA Music_genre link
5261.0 1.2653094e7 13.0 Celtic_music Music_genre other
2.7005455e7 1.2653094e7 12.0 Bruno_Mars Music_genre link
1.0232935e7 1.2653094e7 10.0 Diatonic_and_chromatic Music_genre other
7966.0 1.2653094e7 25.0 Disco Music_genre link
413723.0 1.2653094e7 12.0 Heavy_metal_subgenres Music_genre link
168377.0 1.2653094e7 40.0 Folk_rock Music_genre other
1.1655198e7 1.2653094e7 15.0 Ishkur's_Guide_to_Electronic_Music Music_genre link
3.0863005e7 1.2653094e7 13.0 List_of_Christian_bands_and_artists_by_genre Music_genre link
3.1976854e7 1.2653094e7 11.0 Japanese_Girl Music_genre link
10778.0 1.2653094e7 60.0 Funk Music_genre link
171111.0 1.2653094e7 11.0 Honky-tonk Music_genre link
4.1518485e7 1.2653094e7 10.0 Hozier_(musician) Music_genre other
1.198307e7 1.2653094e7 17.0 Johnny_Cash Music_genre link
3.1919748e7 1.2653094e7 31.0 FIFA_12 Music_genre link
172830.0 1.2653094e7 11.0 Fado Music_genre link
1.6477368e7 1.2653094e7 18.0 Katy_Perry Music_genre link
2319440.0 1.2653094e7 15.0 List_of_saxophonists Music_genre link
6921880.0 1.2653094e7 11.0 List_of_composers_by_name Music_genre other
2878021.0 1.2653094e7 16.0 List_of_country_genres Music_genre link
2.399895e7 1.2653094e7 28.0 Lists_of_musicians Music_genre link
559487.0 1.2653094e7 20.0 List_of_styles_of_music:_S–Z Music_genre link
559484.0 1.2653094e7 70.0 List_of_styles_of_music:_A–F Music_genre link
417829.0 1.2653094e7 18.0 List_of_all-female_bands Music_genre link
275671.0 1.2653094e7 44.0 List_of_electronic_music_genres Music_genre link
1.449809e7 1.2653094e7 13.0 Fall_Out_Boy Music_genre link
4429395.0 1.2653094e7 20.0 Eminem Music_genre link
973905.0 1.2653094e7 24.0 Genealogy_of_musical_genres Music_genre link
3.6042633e7 1.2653094e7 12.0 Electro_house Music_genre other
682482.0 1.2653094e7 53.0 Human Music_genre link
2.9909823e7 1.2653094e7 39.0 Kendrick_Lamar Music_genre link
7653811.0 1.2653094e7 19.0 Hip_hop_(disambiguation) Music_genre link
11181.0 1.2653094e7 10.0 Frank_Sinatra Music_genre link
3.3209238e7 1.2653094e7 13.0 Lana_Del_Rey Music_genre link
629945.0 1.2653094e7 29.0 K-pop Music_genre link
1.8945847e7 1.2653094e7 225.0 Hip_hop_music Music_genre link
2527136.0 1.2653094e7 14.0 Jazz_poetry Music_genre link
124802.0 1.2653094e7 38.0 Hard_rock Music_genre link
44706.0 1.2653094e7 283.0 Genre Music_genre link
73010.0 1.2653094e7 23.0 Hardcore_punk Music_genre link
1.7782843e7 1.2653094e7 22.0 Lady_Gaga Music_genre link
9355587.0 1.2653094e7 154.0 Example_(musician) Music_genre link
15613.0 1.2653094e7 218.0 Jazz Music_genre link
547533.0 1.2653094e7 10.0 Crossover_(music) Music_genre link
2.4686326e7 1.2653094e7 15.0 21st-century_classical_music Music_genre link
7885.0 1.2653094e7 15.0 Dance Music_genre other
3.3269956e7 1.2653094e7 24.0 5ive_(disambiguation) Music_genre other
167409.0 1.2653094e7 11.0 Alternative_rock Music_genre other
1.8127544e7 1.2653094e7 11.0 Ah_Me,_Ah_My Music_genre link
386347.0 1.2653094e7 15.0 Anti-folk Music_genre link
3.4953684e7 1.2653094e7 17.0 Charli_XCX Music_genre link
392811.0 1.2653094e7 23.0 African-American_music Music_genre other
2468299.0 1.2653094e7 13.0 CD-Text Music_genre link
3603298.0 1.2653094e7 150.0 Art_Official_Intelligence:_Mosaic_Thump Music_genre link
66038.0 1.2653094e7 28.0 Breakbeat Music_genre link
368323.0 1.2653094e7 12.0 Cockney_Rejects Music_genre link
255791.0 1.2653094e7 56.0 Art_music Music_genre link
461637.0 1.2653094e7 10.0 Cumbia Music_genre link
3352.0 1.2653094e7 118.0 Blues Music_genre link
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null 245844.0 37.0 other-yahoo Music_of_Ghana other
null 245844.0 52.0 other-bing Music_of_Ghana other
null 245844.0 46.0 other-other Music_of_Ghana other
1791457.0 245844.0 96.0 Music_of_West_Africa Music_of_Ghana link
12067.0 245844.0 24.0 Ghana Music_of_Ghana link
197453.0 1356974.0 100.0 Goa_trance Music_of_Goa link
1980910.0 1356974.0 24.0 Culture_of_Goa Music_of_Goa link
clicksPy ="/datasets/wiki-clickstream")
# in Python you need to put the object int its own line like this to get the type information
| prev_id| curr_id|  n|         prev_title| curr_title| type|
|13710401|12653094| 12|Punk_rock_subgenres|Music_genre| link|
|   25423|12653094| 16|         Rock_music|Music_genre|other|
|  178244|12653094| 10|        Muse_(band)|Music_genre| link|
|  156547|12653094| 10|              Remix|Music_genre| link|
| 1564758|12653094| 73|           Pop_rock|Music_genre| link|
|   18839|12653094|203|              Music|Music_genre| link|
| 5079506|12653094| 10|         Pink_Floyd|Music_genre| link|
|   24624|12653094|167|          Pop_music|Music_genre| link|
|  379560|12653094| 15|       Musical_form|Music_genre| link|
|15580374|12653094|197|          Main_Page|Music_genre|other|
|24297671|12653094|862|      Popular_music|Music_genre| link|
|12653094|12653094| 23|        Music_genre|Music_genre|other|
|   25520|12653094| 90|             Reggae|Music_genre| link|
|   54783|12653094| 18|       Music_theory|Music_genre| link|
|  147311|12653094| 14|        Ray_Charles|Music_genre| link|
| 8886086|12653094| 11|                Oi!|Music_genre| link|
|   19499|12653094| 10|       Mariah_Carey|Music_genre| link|
|38954428|12653094| 23| Sam_Smith_(singer)|Music_genre| link|
| 2110323|12653094| 12|            Rihanna|Music_genre| link|
|    null|12653094|632|        other-other|Music_genre|other|
only showing top 20 rows

Now you can continue from the original python notebook tweeted by Michael.

Recall from the beginning of this notebook that this python databricks notebook was used in the talk by Michael Armbrust at Spark Summit East February 2016 shared from

(watch now, if you haven't already!)

Michael Armbrust Spark Summit East

You Try!

Try to laoad a DataFrame in R from the parquet file just as we did for python. Read the docs in databricks guide first:

And see the R example in the Programming Guide:


# just a quick test
df <- createDataFrame(faithful)
# Read in the Parquet file created above. Parquet files are self-describing so the schema is preserved.
# The result of loading a parquet file is also a DataFrame.
clicksR <- read.df("/datasets/wiki-clickstream", source = "parquet")
clicksR # in R you need to put the object int its own line like this to get the type information
prev_id curr_id n prev_title curr_title type
1.3710401e7 1.2653094e7 12.0 Punk_rock_subgenres Music_genre link
25423.0 1.2653094e7 16.0 Rock_music Music_genre other
178244.0 1.2653094e7 10.0 Muse_(band) Music_genre link
156547.0 1.2653094e7 10.0 Remix Music_genre link
1564758.0 1.2653094e7 73.0 Pop_rock Music_genre link
18839.0 1.2653094e7 203.0 Music Music_genre link
5079506.0 1.2653094e7 10.0 Pink_Floyd Music_genre link
24624.0 1.2653094e7 167.0 Pop_music Music_genre link
379560.0 1.2653094e7 15.0 Musical_form Music_genre link
1.5580374e7 1.2653094e7 197.0 Main_Page Music_genre other
2.4297671e7 1.2653094e7 862.0 Popular_music Music_genre link
1.2653094e7 1.2653094e7 23.0 Music_genre Music_genre other
25520.0 1.2653094e7 90.0 Reggae Music_genre link
54783.0 1.2653094e7 18.0 Music_theory Music_genre link
147311.0 1.2653094e7 14.0 Ray_Charles Music_genre link
8886086.0 1.2653094e7 11.0 Oi! Music_genre link
19499.0 1.2653094e7 10.0 Mariah_Carey Music_genre link
3.8954428e7 1.2653094e7 23.0 Sam_Smith_(singer) Music_genre link
2110323.0 1.2653094e7 12.0 Rihanna Music_genre link
null 1.2653094e7 632.0 other-other Music_genre other
null 1.2653094e7 20.0 other-facebook Music_genre other
62808.0 1.2653094e7 56.0 Soul_music Music_genre link
null 1.2653094e7 514.0 other-bing Music_genre other
162707.0 1.2653094e7 95.0 Singing Music_genre link
5422144.0 1.2653094e7 35.0 Taylor_Swift Music_genre link
27176.0 1.2653094e7 16.0 Ska Music_genre link
28830.0 1.2653094e7 21.0 Song Music_genre link
4.1884523e7 1.2653094e7 22.0 Vaporwave Music_genre other
295560.0 1.2653094e7 13.0 Style Music_genre link
424093.0 1.2653094e7 10.0 1990s_in_music Music_genre other
236918.0 1.2653094e7 14.0 Concert Music_genre other
41536.0 1.2653094e7 11.0 Duke_Ellington Music_genre link
2.5276055e7 1.2653094e7 16.0 Ariana_Grande Music_genre link
363651.0 1.2653094e7 10.0 Dark_wave Music_genre link
183304.0 1.2653094e7 11.0 Dub_(music) Music_genre link
4637590.0 1.2653094e7 16.0 Bob_Dylan Music_genre link
83688.0 1.2653094e7 16.0 Beyoncé Music_genre link
3.0528002e7 1.2653094e7 17.0 Ed_Sheeran Music_genre link
8239846.0 1.2653094e7 10.0 Bob_Marley Music_genre link
880.0 1.2653094e7 10.0 ABBA Music_genre link
5261.0 1.2653094e7 13.0 Celtic_music Music_genre other
2.7005455e7 1.2653094e7 12.0 Bruno_Mars Music_genre link
1.0232935e7 1.2653094e7 10.0 Diatonic_and_chromatic Music_genre other
7966.0 1.2653094e7 25.0 Disco Music_genre link
413723.0 1.2653094e7 12.0 Heavy_metal_subgenres Music_genre link
168377.0 1.2653094e7 40.0 Folk_rock Music_genre other
1.1655198e7 1.2653094e7 15.0 Ishkur's_Guide_to_Electronic_Music Music_genre link
3.0863005e7 1.2653094e7 13.0 List_of_Christian_bands_and_artists_by_genre Music_genre link
3.1976854e7 1.2653094e7 11.0 Japanese_Girl Music_genre link
10778.0 1.2653094e7 60.0 Funk Music_genre link
171111.0 1.2653094e7 11.0 Honky-tonk Music_genre link
4.1518485e7 1.2653094e7 10.0 Hozier_(musician) Music_genre other
1.198307e7 1.2653094e7 17.0 Johnny_Cash Music_genre link
3.1919748e7 1.2653094e7 31.0 FIFA_12 Music_genre link
172830.0 1.2653094e7 11.0 Fado Music_genre link
1.6477368e7 1.2653094e7 18.0 Katy_Perry Music_genre link
2319440.0 1.2653094e7 15.0 List_of_saxophonists Music_genre link
6921880.0 1.2653094e7 11.0 List_of_composers_by_name Music_genre other
2878021.0 1.2653094e7 16.0 List_of_country_genres Music_genre link
2.399895e7 1.2653094e7 28.0 Lists_of_musicians Music_genre link
559487.0 1.2653094e7 20.0 List_of_styles_of_music:_S–Z Music_genre link
559484.0 1.2653094e7 70.0 List_of_styles_of_music:_A–F Music_genre link
417829.0 1.2653094e7 18.0 List_of_all-female_bands Music_genre link
275671.0 1.2653094e7 44.0 List_of_electronic_music_genres Music_genre link
1.449809e7 1.2653094e7 13.0 Fall_Out_Boy Music_genre link
4429395.0 1.2653094e7 20.0 Eminem Music_genre link
973905.0 1.2653094e7 24.0 Genealogy_of_musical_genres Music_genre link
3.6042633e7 1.2653094e7 12.0 Electro_house Music_genre other
682482.0 1.2653094e7 53.0 Human Music_genre link
2.9909823e7 1.2653094e7 39.0 Kendrick_Lamar Music_genre link
7653811.0 1.2653094e7 19.0 Hip_hop_(disambiguation) Music_genre link
11181.0 1.2653094e7 10.0 Frank_Sinatra Music_genre link
3.3209238e7 1.2653094e7 13.0 Lana_Del_Rey Music_genre link
629945.0 1.2653094e7 29.0 K-pop Music_genre link
1.8945847e7 1.2653094e7 225.0 Hip_hop_music Music_genre link
2527136.0 1.2653094e7 14.0 Jazz_poetry Music_genre link
124802.0 1.2653094e7 38.0 Hard_rock Music_genre link
44706.0 1.2653094e7 283.0 Genre Music_genre link
73010.0 1.2653094e7 23.0 Hardcore_punk Music_genre link
1.7782843e7 1.2653094e7 22.0 Lady_Gaga Music_genre link
9355587.0 1.2653094e7 154.0 Example_(musician) Music_genre link
15613.0 1.2653094e7 218.0 Jazz Music_genre link
547533.0 1.2653094e7 10.0 Crossover_(music) Music_genre link
2.4686326e7 1.2653094e7 15.0 21st-century_classical_music Music_genre link
7885.0 1.2653094e7 15.0 Dance Music_genre other
3.3269956e7 1.2653094e7 24.0 5ive_(disambiguation) Music_genre other
167409.0 1.2653094e7 11.0 Alternative_rock Music_genre other
1.8127544e7 1.2653094e7 11.0 Ah_Me,_Ah_My Music_genre link
386347.0 1.2653094e7 15.0 Anti-folk Music_genre link
3.4953684e7 1.2653094e7 17.0 Charli_XCX Music_genre link
392811.0 1.2653094e7 23.0 African-American_music Music_genre other
2468299.0 1.2653094e7 13.0 CD-Text Music_genre link
3603298.0 1.2653094e7 150.0 Art_Official_Intelligence:_Mosaic_Thump Music_genre link
66038.0 1.2653094e7 28.0 Breakbeat Music_genre link
368323.0 1.2653094e7 12.0 Cockney_Rejects Music_genre link
255791.0 1.2653094e7 56.0 Art_music Music_genre link
461637.0 1.2653094e7 10.0 Cumbia Music_genre link
3352.0 1.2653094e7 118.0 Blues Music_genre link
149681.0 1.2653094e7 10.0 Beck Music_genre link
214666.0 1.2653094e7 402.0 List_of_music_styles Music_genre link
5347350.0 1.2653094e7 27.0 List_of_popular_music_genres Music_genre link
2.7052778e7 1.2653094e7 54.0 List_of_genres Music_genre link
3142048.0 1.2653094e7 29.0 List_of_jazz_genres Music_genre link
559485.0 1.2653094e7 14.0 List_of_styles_of_music:_G–M Music_genre link
413631.0 1.2653094e7 12.0 List_of_blues_genres Music_genre link
303261.0 1.2653094e7 10.0 Top_40 Music_genre other
147687.0 1.2653094e7 10.0 Stevie_Wonder Music_genre link
31056.0 1.2653094e7 10.0 The_Rolling_Stones Music_genre link
29812.0 1.2653094e7 84.0 The_Beatles Music_genre link
3208697.0 1.2653094e7 16.0 Youth_subculture Music_genre link
null 1.2653094e7 2746.0 other-empty Music_genre other
28261.0 1.2653094e7 38.0 Samba Music_genre other
1795886.0 1.2653094e7 11.0 Record_chart Music_genre other
21151.0 1.2653094e7 12.0 New_wave_music Music_genre link
248462.0 1.2653094e7 20.0 Music_of_Colombia Music_genre link
7504750.0 1.2653094e7 21.0 Music_festival Music_genre other
1.932133e7 1.2653094e7 41.0 Nightclub Music_genre link
199630.0 1.2653094e7 11.0 Pop_punk Music_genre link
171080.0 1.2653094e7 18.0 Music_of_the_United_States Music_genre link
18313.0 1.2653094e7 14.0 Louis_Armstrong Music_genre link
394633.0 1.2653094e7 16.0 Reggaeton Music_genre link
4635444.0 1.2653094e7 16.0 March_(music) Music_genre other
565560.0 1.2653094e7 11.0 Protopunk Music_genre other
37735.0 1.2653094e7 10.0 Melody Music_genre other
26168.0 1.2653094e7 59.0 Rhythm_and_blues Music_genre link
3.1772741e7 1.2653094e7 14.0 One_Direction Music_genre link
2.1065992e7 1.2653094e7 19.0 Sex_(The_Necks_album) Music_genre link
4.3272496e7 1.2653094e7 18.0 Meghan_Trainor Music_genre link
2.719197e7 1.2653094e7 15.0 Moombahton Music_genre other
3403168.0 1.2653094e7 35.0 Outline_of_music Music_genre link
null 1.2653094e7 359.0 other-yahoo Music_genre other
2.888765e7 2.8887473e7 11.0 Music_Group_(company) Music_group_(disambiguation) link
20180.0 2.8887473e7 69.0 Musical_ensemble Music_group_(disambiguation) link
897299.0 232692.0 11.0 Stan_Laurel Music_hall link
103067.0 232692.0 15.0 Stand-up_comedy Music_hall link
1.2892136e7 232692.0 10.0 Pack_Up_Your_Troubles_in_Your_Old_Kit-Bag Music_hall link
2.0715761e7 232692.0 103.0 The_boy_Jones Music_hall link
9206390.0 232692.0 11.0 Sunny_Afternoon Music_hall link
3158351.0 232692.0 47.0 The_Kinks Music_hall link
470943.0 232692.0 16.0 The_Triplets_of_Belleville Music_hall link
326433.0 232692.0 32.0 Variety_show Music_hall link
null 232692.0 417.0 other-empty Music_hall other
2246663.0 232692.0 45.0 Martha_My_Dear Music_hall link
24864.0 232692.0 23.0 Professional_wrestling Music_hall link
1.5580374e7 232692.0 35.0 Main_Page Music_hall other
5106604.0 232692.0 87.0 Seymour_Hicks Music_hall link
556635.0 232692.0 27.0 When_I'm_Sixty-Four Music_hall link
3.8027034e7 232692.0 46.0 Songs_of_the_First_World_War Music_hall link
null 232692.0 93.0 other-bing Music_hall other
48235.0 232692.0 51.0 Vaudeville Music_hall link
null 232692.0 103.0 other-other Music_hall other
null 232692.0 77.0 other-yahoo Music_hall other
null 232692.0 2106.0 other-google Music_hall other
null 232692.0 231.0 other-wikipedia Music_hall other
null 232692.0 15.0 other-twitter Music_hall other
2260734.0 232692.0 11.0 List_of_musical_forms_by_era Music_hall link
2861.0 232692.0 15.0 Advertising Music_hall link
7566837.0 232692.0 16.0 Bioscope_show Music_hall link
100096.0 232692.0 14.0 Edwardian_era Music_hall link
605891.0 232692.0 18.0 David_Bowie_(1967_album) Music_hall link
36999.0 232692.0 25.0 Carry_On_(franchise) Music_hall link
5142.0 232692.0 63.0 Charlie_Chaplin Music_hall link
95805.0 232692.0 13.0 Leslie_Phillips Music_hall link
1163667.0 232692.0 10.0 I'm_Henery_the_Eighth,_I_Am Music_hall link
1932690.0 232692.0 54.0 Honey_Pie Music_hall link
1468518.0 232692.0 34.0 Her_Majesty_(song) Music_hall link
43492.0 232692.0 10.0 Ian_Dury Music_hall link
6835232.0 232692.0 15.0 Holiday_(Bee_Gees_song) Music_hall link
1.871959e7 232692.0 13.0 I_Do_Like_To_be_Beside_the_Seaside Music_hall link
1084094.0 232692.0 28.0 It's_a_Long_Way_to_Tipperary Music_hall link
3832925.0 232692.0 25.0 Good_Old-Fashioned_Lover_Boy Music_hall link
8786.0 232692.0 19.0 David_Bowie Music_hall link
5130871.0 232692.0 52.0 America's_Most_Endangered_Places Music_hall other
428611.0 232692.0 14.0 Can-can Music_hall link
1.4923927e7 232692.0 11.0 Concert_saloon Music_hall link
3.0995031e7 232692.0 23.0 American_burlesque Music_hall link
null 7570941.0 39.0 other-google Music_history_of_Barbados other
null 2735439.0 49.0 other-google Music_history_of_Hungary other
null 2735439.0 10.0 other-empty Music_history_of_Hungary other
null 3430507.0 18.0 other-empty Music_history_of_Portugal other
387719.0 3430507.0 13.0 Music_of_Portugal Music_history_of_Portugal link
null 3430507.0 80.0 other-google Music_history_of_Portugal other
null 1616933.0 158.0 other-empty Music_history_of_the_United_States other
null 1616933.0 1935.0 other-google Music_history_of_the_United_States other
null 1616933.0 18.0 other-wikipedia Music_history_of_the_United_States other
null 1616933.0 40.0 other-yahoo Music_history_of_the_United_States other
171080.0 1616933.0 25.0 Music_of_the_United_States Music_history_of_the_United_States link
null 1616933.0 36.0 other-other Music_history_of_the_United_States other
null 1616933.0 49.0 other-bing Music_history_of_the_United_States other
246497.0 1616933.0 10.0 American_folk_music Music_history_of_the_United_States link
1.8985287e7 1616933.0 57.0 Culture_of_the_United_States Music_history_of_the_United_States link
2.3932051e7 3.1437105e7 80.0 1960s_in_music Music_history_of_the_United_States_in_the_1960s link
null 3.1437105e7 103.0 other-empty Music_history_of_the_United_States_in_the_1960s other
null 3.1437105e7 23.0 other-yahoo Music_history_of_the_United_States_in_the_1960s other
null 3.1437105e7 12.0 other-wikipedia Music_history_of_the_United_States_in_the_1960s other
null 3.1437105e7 1679.0 other-google Music_history_of_the_United_States_in_the_1960s other
8544676.0 3.1437105e7 46.0 Counterculture_of_the_1960s Music_history_of_the_United_States_in_the_1960s link
null 3.1437105e7 82.0 other-bing Music_history_of_the_United_States_in_the_1960s other
null 3.1437105e7 16.0 other-other Music_history_of_the_United_States_in_the_1960s other
null 411041.0 16.0 other-other Music_history_of_the_United_States_in_the_1980s other
1616933.0 411041.0 10.0 Music_history_of_the_United_States Music_history_of_the_United_States_in_the_1980s link
null 411041.0 36.0 other-bing Music_history_of_the_United_States_in_the_1980s other
null 411041.0 11.0 other-yahoo Music_history_of_the_United_States_in_the_1980s other
23726.0 411041.0 15.0 Pixies Music_history_of_the_United_States_in_the_1980s other
411040.0 411041.0 11.0 Music_history_of_the_United_States_in_the_1970s Music_history_of_the_United_States_in_the_1980s link
1.9753121e7 411041.0 79.0 1980s_in_music Music_history_of_the_United_States_in_the_1980s link
null 411041.0 51.0 other-empty Music_history_of_the_United_States_in_the_1980s other
null 411041.0 593.0 other-google Music_history_of_the_United_States_in_the_1980s other
null 411041.0 11.0 other-wikipedia Music_history_of_the_United_States_in_the_1980s other
null 1369822.0 23.0 other-google Music_in_Adygea other
247772.0 1369822.0 12.0 Music_of_Russia Music_in_Adygea other
407750.0 1369822.0 11.0 Adygea Music_in_Adygea other
735530.0 1284752.0 27.0 Bashkortostan Music_in_Bashkortostan link
61024.0 3.8584535e7 33.0 Charleston,_South_Carolina Music_in_Charleston link
null 3.8584535e7 82.0 other-google Music_in_Charleston other
null 3.8584535e7 21.0 other-empty Music_in_Charleston other
null 2.5941812e7 28.0 other-google Music_in_Colonial_Mexico other
751099.0 1499681.0 28.0 Dagestan Music_in_Dagestan other
null 1499681.0 10.0 other-google Music_in_Dagestan other
null 1.1374661e7 19.0 other-google Music_in_Darkness other
null 1.1374661e7 13.0 other-wikipedia Music_in_Darkness other
null 1.1374661e7 10.0 other-other Music_in_Darkness other
1.3075438e7 1.1374661e7 62.0 Ingmar_Bergman_filmography Music_in_Darkness link
null 2.5548658e7 77.0 other-empty Music_in_Dollhouse other
null 2.5548658e7 11.0 other-bing Music_in_Dollhouse other
1.4014034e7 2.5548658e7 75.0 Dollhouse_(TV_series) Music_in_Dollhouse link
null 2.5548658e7 253.0 other-google Music_in_Dollhouse other
null 2.5548658e7 11.0 other-wikipedia Music_in_Dollhouse other
null 1.6378289e7 45.0 other-google Music_in_Dresden other
null 1264053.0 33.0 other-google Music_in_High_Places other
1264134.0 1264053.0 22.0 Here's_to_the_Mourning Music_in_High_Places link
1136526.0 1264053.0 20.0 Unwritten_Law Music_in_High_Places link
2.4597057e7 1264053.0 10.0 Unwritten_Law_discography Music_in_High_Places link
1179127.0 1499731.0 14.0 Kuban_Cossacks Music_in_Krasnodar_Krai other
474125.0 1499731.0 13.0 Krasnodar_Krai Music_in_Krasnodar_Krai link
8262427.0 5563451.0 20.0 Leeds Music_in_Leeds link
5563531.0 5563451.0 15.0 List_of_bands_originating_in_Leeds Music_in_Leeds link
null 5563451.0 11.0 other-wikipedia Music_in_Leeds other
null 5563451.0 311.0 other-google Music_in_Leeds other
null 5563451.0 124.0 other-empty Music_in_Leeds other
473991.0 1499616.0 13.0 Mordovia Music_in_Mordovia other
null 3087094.0 10.0 other-empty Music_in_Mouth other
4455620.0 3087094.0 12.0 Neither_Am_I Music_in_Mouth link
2.5688717e7 3087094.0 14.0 Bell_X1_discography Music_in_Mouth link
2809365.0 3087094.0 41.0 Bell_X1_(band) Music_in_Mouth link
277952.0 4.2439092e7 34.0 Rita_Hayworth Music_in_My_Heart link
null 4.2439092e7 20.0 other-google Music_in_My_Heart other
174689.0 1492279.0 80.0 Nenets_people Music_in_Nenets_Autonomous_Okrug other
null 3.9884449e7 227.0 other-google Music_in_Paris other
309852.0 3.9884449e7 10.0 List_of_cultural_and_regional_genres_of_music Music_in_Paris other
null 3.9884449e7 24.0 other-empty Music_in_Paris other
22989.0 3.9884449e7 36.0 Paris Music_in_Paris link
null 3.9530149e7 86.0 other-google Music_in_Varanasi other
null 3.9530149e7 16.0 other-empty Music_in_Varanasi other
4108684.0 2129287.0 19.0 WWF_The_Music,_Vol._5 Music_in_professional_wrestling link
1.4521129e7 2129287.0 17.0 The_Time_Is_Now_(John_Cena_song) Music_in_professional_wrestling link
3174133.0 2129287.0 12.0 WWE_Originals Music_in_professional_wrestling link
1.4681044e7 2129287.0 14.0 The_Bella_Twins Music_in_professional_wrestling link
1954598.0 2129287.0 14.0 You_Can't_See_Me Music_in_professional_wrestling link
null 2129287.0 115.0 other-empty Music_in_professional_wrestling other
4373640.0 2129287.0 12.0 Roman_Reigns Music_in_professional_wrestling link
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