Prediction with time series model - Gaussian Processes
This notebook contains time series prediction with gaussian processes. The data used for prediction is new cases (smoothed) and new deaths (smoothed) for both an aggregated number of countries in the world and for Sweden. To implement the gaussian process model, the python package Gpytorch is used.
- Install, import, load and preprocess data
Install, import and execute the other relevant notebooks here to load and preprocess data...
pip install gpytorch
Python interpreter will be restarted.
Collecting gpytorch
Downloading gpytorch-1.3.0.tar.gz (283 kB)
Building wheels for collected packages: gpytorch
Building wheel for gpytorch ( started
Building wheel for gpytorch ( finished with status 'done'
Created wheel for gpytorch: filename=gpytorch-1.3.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl size=473796 sha256=5882e250a68a9042a1e51e11617837c2e922878bd22e515cf9459b217c96ba2b
Stored in directory: /root/.cache/pip/wheels/1d/f0/2c/2146864c1f7bd8a844c4143115c05c392da763fd8b249adb9d
Successfully built gpytorch
Installing collected packages: gpytorch
Successfully installed gpytorch-1.3.0
Python interpreter will be restarted.
# python imports
import gpytorch as gpth
import torch as th
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
- Additional data preprocessing in Scala
// define dataframe summing up the new cases smoothed for each date
val df_ncworld = df_cleaned_time_series.groupBy("date").sum("new_cases_smoothed").sort(col("date")).withColumnRenamed("sum(new_cases_smoothed)","new_cases_smoothed")
// define dataframe summing up the new deaths smoothed for each date
val df_ndworld = df_cleaned_time_series.groupBy("date").sum("new_deaths_smoothed").sort(col("date")).withColumnRenamed("sum(new_deaths_smoothed)","new_deaths_smoothed")
// Add a time index for the date
import org.apache.spark.sql.expressions.Window
val window_spec = Window.orderBy($"date")
val df_ncworld_indexed = df_ncworld.withColumn("time_idx",row_number.over(window_spec))
val df_ndworld_indexed = df_ndworld.withColumn("time_idx",row_number.over(window_spec))
// Get max and min of time index
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.{min, max}
import org.apache.spark.sql.Row
val id_maxmin = df_ncworld_indexed.agg(max("time_idx"), min("time_idx")).head()
val id_max: Int = id_maxmin.getInt(0)
val id_min: Int = id_maxmin.getInt(1)
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.{min, max}
import org.apache.spark.sql.Row
id_maxmin: org.apache.spark.sql.Row = [316,1]
id_max: Int = 316
id_min: Int = 1
Extract a window for prediction
// define training and test data intervalls. test data is set to 10% of the total dataset time length.
val test_wnd: Int = (0.1*id_max).toInt
val train_wnd: Int = (0.9*id_max).toInt
val df_ncworld_train = df_ncworld_indexed.where($"time_idx" > id_max-train_wnd-test_wnd && $"time_idx" <= id_max-test_wnd)
val df_ncworld_test = df_ncworld_indexed.where($"time_idx" > id_max-test_wnd && $"time_idx" <= id_max)
val df_ndworld_train = df_ndworld_indexed.where($"time_idx" > id_max-train_wnd-test_wnd && $"time_idx" <= id_max-test_wnd)
val df_ndworld_test = df_ndworld_indexed.where($"time_idx" > id_max-test_wnd && $"time_idx" <= id_max)
Convert to python for further processing
df_ncworld_train = spark.table("df_ncworld_train")
df_ncworld_test = spark.table("df_ncworld_test")
df_ndworld_train = spark.table("df_ndworld_train")
df_ndworld_test = spark.table("df_ndworld_test")
val df_ncdenswe =$"location", $"date", $"new_cases_smoothed").where(expr("location = 'Sweden' or location = 'Denmark'"))
val df_nddenswe =$"location", $"date", $"new_deaths_smoothed").where(expr("location = 'Sweden' or location = 'Denmark'"))
df_ncdenswe: org.apache.spark.sql.Dataset[org.apache.spark.sql.Row] = [location: string, date: string ... 1 more field]
df_nddenswe: org.apache.spark.sql.Dataset[org.apache.spark.sql.Row] = [location: string, date: string ... 1 more field]
// Add a time index for the date
import org.apache.spark.sql.expressions.Window
val window_spec = Window.partitionBy("location").orderBy($"date")
val df_ncdenswe_indexed = df_ncdenswe.withColumn("time_idx",row_number.over(window_spec))
val df_nddenswe_indexed = df_nddenswe.withColumn("time_idx",row_number.over(window_spec))
val test_wnd: Int = (0.1*id_max).toInt
val train_wnd: Int = (0.9*id_max).toInt
val df_ncdenswe_train = df_ncdenswe_indexed.where($"time_idx" > id_max-train_wnd-test_wnd && $"time_idx" <= id_max-test_wnd)
val df_ncdenswe_test = df_ncdenswe_indexed.where($"time_idx" > id_max-test_wnd && $"time_idx" <= id_max)
val df_nddenswe_train = df_nddenswe_indexed.where($"time_idx" > id_max-train_wnd-test_wnd && $"time_idx" <= id_max-test_wnd)
val df_nddenswe_test = df_nddenswe_indexed.where($"time_idx" > id_max-test_wnd && $"time_idx" <= id_max)
df_ncdenswe_train = spark.table("df_ncdenswe_train")
df_ncdenswe_test = spark.table("df_ncdenswe_test")
df_nddenswe_train = spark.table("df_nddenswe_train")
df_nddenswe_test = spark.table("df_nddenswe_test")
- Time series prediction with Gaussian Processes
In this section we perform predictions based on the input data. Some additional preprocessing in Python is done as well. The transition from Scala to Python is motivated by the use of the python package Gpytorch for implementing the gaussian process model.
3.1 World multistep prediction
As similar operations are performed for processing data, a class is first defined to enable code reuse
from pyspark.sql.functions import col
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
class GPDataSet():
def __init__(self, df_train, df_test, datacol, filterloc = None, add_input = None):
class for processing input data to GP. As similar code is reused, this class enables some code reuse.
param: 'df_train', training data dataframe
param: 'df_test', test data dataframe
param: 'datacol', data column in dataframe to perform predictions on, e.g. 'new_cases_smoothed'
param: 'filterloc', location column in dataframe to perform predictions on, e.g. 'Sweden'
param: 'add_input', additional location column in dataframe to use as input for predictions, e.g. 'Denmark'
self.df_train = df_train
self.df_test = df_test
self.datacol = datacol
self.filterloc = filterloc
self.add_input = add_input
self.num_xdim = None
def convert_to_numpy(self):
convert dataframe to numpy arrays. This process may takes a while.
# if no filter for location is specified
if self.filterloc is None:
x_train_np = np.array(self.df_train.orderBy("time_idx").select("time_idx") x: x[0]).collect())
x_test_np = np.array(self.df_test.orderBy("time_idx").select("time_idx") x: x[0]).collect())
y_train_np = np.array(self.df_train.orderBy("time_idx").select(self.datacol) x: x[0]).collect())
y_test_np = np.array(self.df_test.orderBy("time_idx").select(self.datacol) x: x[0]).collect())
num_xdim = 1
# if a filter for location is specified
if self.add_input is None:
x_train_np = np.array(self.df_train.filter(col("location") == self.filterloc).orderBy("time_idx").select("time_idx") x: x[0]).collect())
x_test_np = np.array(self.df_test.filter(col("location") == self.filterloc).orderBy("time_idx").select("time_idx") x: x[0]).collect())
num_xdim = 1
# if prediction should add additional input from e.g. a neighbouring country
x_train_time = np.array(self.df_train.filter(col("location") == self.filterloc).orderBy("time_idx").select("time_idx") x: x[0]).collect())
x_test_time = np.array(self.df_test.filter(col("location") == self.filterloc).orderBy("time_idx").select("time_idx") x: x[0]).collect())
x_train_add = np.array(self.df_train.filter(col("location") == self.add_input).orderBy("time_idx").select(self.datacol) x: x[0]).collect())
x_test_add = np.array(self.df_test.filter(col("location") == self.add_input).orderBy("time_idx").select(self.datacol) x: x[0]).collect())
x_train = np.stack((x_train_time, x_train_add), axis=0)
x_test = np.stack((x_test_time, x_test_add), axis=0)
x_train_np = np.moveaxis(x_train, 1, 0)
x_test_np = np.moveaxis(x_test, 1, 0)
num_xdim = 2
# output data
y_train_np = np.array(self.df_train.filter(col("location") == self.filterloc).orderBy("time_idx").select(self.datacol) x: x[0]).collect())
y_test_np = np.array(self.df_test.filter(col("location") == self.filterloc).orderBy("time_idx").select(self.datacol) x: x[0]).collect())
self.x_train_np = x_train_np
self.x_test_np = x_test_np
self.y_train_np = y_train_np
self.y_test_np = y_test_np
self.num_xdim = num_xdim
def plot_numpy_data(self):
plot numpy arrays
if self.num_xdim == 2:
fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1,2, figsize=(12,6))
ax1.plot(self.x_train_np[:,0], self.y_train_np, 'k*')
ax1.legend(['train data'])
ax1.set_xlabel('time [days]')
ax1.set_title('training data')
ax2.plot(self.x_train_np[:,0], self.x_train_np[:,1], 'k*')
ax2.legend(['train data'])
ax2.set_xlabel('time [days]')
ax2.set_ylabel('additional input')
ax2.set_title('training data')
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1, figsize=(12,6))
ax.plot(self.x_train_np, self.y_train_np, 'k*')
ax.legend(['train data'])
ax.set_xlabel('time [days]')
ax.set_title('training data')
def get_train_length(self):
if self.num_xdim == 2:
return len(self.x_train_np[:,0])
return len(self.x_train_np)
def process_numpy_data(self, nth_subsample = 4, window_red = 0.8):
reduction of data by subsampling data and reducing length of data window.
assert window_red > 0 and window_red <= 1, "please adjust 'window_red' parameter to be between 0 and 1"
start_idx = int((self.get_train_length())*window_red)
self.x_train = th.tensor(self.x_train_np[start_idx::nth_subsample], dtype=th.float)
self.x_test = th.tensor(self.x_test_np, dtype=th.float)
self.y_train = th.tensor(self.y_train_np[start_idx::nth_subsample], dtype=th.float)
self.y_test = th.tensor(self.y_test_np, dtype=th.float)
def set_time_to_zero(self):
sets the time vector to start at time zero
if self.num_xdim == 2:
self.x_train_min = self.x_train[:,0].min()
self.x_train[:,0] = self.x_train[:,0] - self.x_train_min
self.x_test[:,0] = self.x_test[:,0] - self.x_train_min
self.x_train_min = self.x_train.min()
self.x_train = self.x_train - self.x_train_min
self.x_test = self.x_test - self.x_train_min
def normalize(self):
normalize the data to improve predictions
self.x_train_mean = self.x_train.mean()
self.x_train_std = self.x_train.std()
self.x_train = (self.x_train - self.x_train_mean) / self.x_train_std
self.x_test = (self.x_test - self.x_train_mean) / self.x_train_std
self.y_train_mean = self.y_train.mean()
self.y_train_std = self.y_train.std()
self.y_train = (self.y_train - self.y_train_mean) / self.y_train_std
self.y_test = (self.y_test - self.y_train_mean) / self.y_train_std
self.data_normalized = True
def plot_reduced_data(self):
plots the reduced training data
with th.no_grad():
if self.num_xdim == 2:
fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1,2, figsize=(12,6))
ax1.plot(self.x_train[:,0], self.y_train, 'k*')
ax1.legend(['train data'])
ax1.set_xlabel('time [days]')
ax1.set_title('training data')
ax2.plot(self.x_train[:,0], self.x_train[:,1], 'k*')
ax2.legend(['train data'])
ax2.set_xlabel('time [days]')
ax2.set_ylabel('additional input')
ax2.set_title('training data')
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1, figsize=(12,6))
ax.plot(self.x_train, self.y_train, 'k*')
ax.legend(['train data'])
ax.set_xlabel('time [days]')
ax.set_title('training data')
Use class to convert dataframes to numpy arrays for further processing. Note, the conversion may take a while.
ds_ncworld = GPDataSet(df_ncworld_train, df_ncworld_test, datacol = 'new_cases_smoothed', filterloc = None, add_input=None)
ds_ndworld = GPDataSet(df_ndworld_train, df_ndworld_test, datacol = 'new_deaths_smoothed', filterloc = None, add_input=None)
Process data by subsampling, reducing data window and normalize data. The gaussian process model is a so called non parametric model and will be mainly based on the data points. As such, to reduce the computation and the complexity of the model, we subsample and reduce the number of datapoints.
ds_ncworld.process_numpy_data(nth_subsample = 4, window_red = 0.8)
ds_ndworld.process_numpy_data(nth_subsample = 4, window_red = 0.8)
Plot processed data
Define gaussian process classes using Gpytorch and different kernels.
import gpytorch as gpth
class GPLinearRBF(gpth.models.ExactGP):
def __init__(self, train_x, train_y, likelihood):
super(GPLinearRBF, self).__init__(train_x, train_y, likelihood)
self.mean_module = gpth.means.ConstantMean()
self.covar_module = gpth.kernels.ScaleKernel(gpth.kernels.LinearKernel() + gpth.kernels.RBFKernel())
def forward(self, x):
x_mean = self.mean_module(x)
x_covar = self.covar_module(x)
return gpth.distributions.MultivariateNormal(x_mean, x_covar)
class GPLinearMatern(gpth.models.ExactGP):
def __init__(self, train_x, train_y, likelihood):
super(GPLinearMatern, self).__init__(train_x, train_y, likelihood)
self.mean_module = gpth.means.ConstantMean()
self.covar_module = gpth.kernels.ScaleKernel(gpth.kernels.LinearKernel() + gpth.kernels.MaternKernel())
def forward(self, x):
x_mean = self.mean_module(x)
x_covar = self.covar_module(x)
return gpth.distributions.MultivariateNormal(x_mean, x_covar)
Define a training class for the Gaussian Process models
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import math
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error
from sklearn.metrics import mean_absolute_error
class GPTrainer():
def __init__(self, gp_model, x_train, x_train_min, x_train_mean, x_train_std, x_test, y_train, y_test, y_train_mean, y_train_std, device='cpu', train_iter = 300, lr=0.1, verbose = True):
class to manage training and prediction of data
param: 'gp_model', name of gaussian process model including kernel to use
param: 'x_train', pytorch tensor (sequence, dim), normalized input training data, starting at time zero
param: 'x_train_min', pytorch tensor, start time of input training data
param: 'x_train_mean', pytorch tensor, mean used when normalizing input training data
param: 'x_train_std', pytorch tensor, std deviation used when normalizing input training data
param: 'x_test', pytorch tensor, normalized input test data, starting at time zero
param: 'y_train', pytorch tensor, normalized output training data
param: 'y_train_mean', pytorch tensor, mean used when normalizing output training data
param: 'y_train_std', pytorch tensor, std deviation used when normalizing output training data
param: 'y_test', pytorch tensor, normalized output test data
param: 'device', cpu or cuda. currently only tested for cpu.
param: 'train_iter', number of training iterations to fit kernel parameters to data
param: 'lr', learning rate
param: 'verbose', print information such as loss during training
# data
self.x_train =
self.x_train_min = x_train_min
self.x_train_mean = x_train_mean
self.x_train_std = x_train_std
self.x_test =
self.x_cat =,x_test),dim=0).to(device)
self.y_train =
self.y_train_mean = y_train_mean
self.y_train_std = y_train_std
self.y_test =
self.preds = None
# define GP likelihood
self.likelihood = gpth.likelihoods.GaussianLikelihood()
# GP model selection and init
assert gp_model == 'GPLinearRBF' or 'GPLinearMatern', "Error: GP model selected is not defined"
if gp_model == 'GPLinearRBF':
self.model = GPLinearRBF(self.x_train, self.y_train, self.likelihood).to(device)
if gp_model == 'GPLinearMatern':
self.model = GPLinearMatern(self.x_train, self.y_train, self.likelihood).to(device)
# training param
self.train_iter = train_iter = lr
self.device = device
self.optimizer = th.optim.Adam(self.model.parameters(),
self.loss_fn = gpth.mlls.ExactMarginalLogLikelihood(self.likelihood, self.model)
self.verbose = verbose
# plots
self.fig = None = None
def train(self):
training of gaussian process model to fit kernel parameters to data
for iter_idx in range(1,self.train_iter+1):
out = self.model(self.x_train)
loss = -self.loss_fn(out, self.y_train).mean()
if iter_idx % 10 == 0 and self.verbose is True:
print(f"Iter: {iter_idx}, train_loss: {loss.item()}")
def prediction(self):
predict data
with th.no_grad(): #, gpth.settings.fast_pred_var():
self.preds = self.likelihood(self.model(self.x_cat))
def denormalize_y(self, data):
denormalize the output data
return data*self.y_train_std + self.y_train_mean
def denormalize_x(self, data):
denormalize the input data
return data*self.x_train_std + self.x_train_mean
def plot(self):
plot the data
with th.no_grad():
# extract time index dimension
xdim = None
_, xdim = self.x_train.shape
if xdim == None or xdim == 1:
x_train = self.denormalize_x(self.x_train)
x_test = self.denormalize_x(self.x_test)
x_cat = self.denormalize_x(self.x_cat)
elif xdim > 1:
x_train = self.denormalize_x(self.x_train)[:,0]
x_test = self.denormalize_x(self.x_test)[:,0]
x_cat = self.denormalize_x(self.x_cat)[:,0]
# plot
self.fig, = plt.subplots(1,1, figsize=(12,6))
lower = self.denormalize_y(self.preds.mean - self.preds.variance.sqrt() * 1.96)
upper = self.denormalize_y(self.preds.mean + self.preds.variance.sqrt() * 1.96), self.denormalize_y(self.y_train).numpy(), 'k*'), self.denormalize_y(self.y_test).numpy(), 'r*'), self.denormalize_y(self.preds.mean).numpy(), 'b'), lower.numpy(), upper.numpy(), alpha=0.3)['train data', 'test data', 'predicted mean', 'predicted confidence 95%'])'time [days]')'prediction')'prediction')
def print_data_dim(self):
print shapes for debug purpose
print("data shapes:")
print(f'x_train: {self.x_train.shape}')
print(f'x_test: {self.x_test.shape}')
print(f'x_cat: {self.x_cat.shape}')
print(f'y_train: {self.y_train.shape}')
print(f'y_test: {self.y_test.shape}')
print(f'preds mean: {self.preds.mean.shape}')
def evaluate(self):
evaluation of predictions
with th.no_grad():
# data to evaluate
test_data = self.denormalize_y(self.y_test)
predictions = self.denormalize_y(self.preds.mean[-len(self.y_test):])
# evaluate
error_mse = mean_squared_error(test_data, predictions)
error_rmse = math.sqrt(error_mse)
error_abs = mean_absolute_error(test_data, predictions)
avg_gt = test_data.sum() / len(test_data)
mse_percentage = error_rmse / avg_gt * 100
abs_percentage = error_abs / avg_gt * 100
# print
print('Average of groundtruth: %.3f' % avg_gt)
print('Test MSE: %.3f' % error_mse)
print('Test RMSE: %.3f' % error_rmse)
print('RMSE percentage error: %.3f' % mse_percentage, '%')
print('Test ABS: %.3f' % error_abs)
print('ABS percentage error: %.3f' % abs_percentage, '%')
Init the training class for the Gaussian Process models
pred_ncworld = GPTrainer(gp_model='GPLinearRBF', x_train=ds_ncworld.x_train, x_train_min=ds_ncworld.x_train_min, x_train_mean=ds_ncworld.x_train_mean, x_train_std=ds_ncworld.x_train_std, x_test=ds_ncworld.x_test, y_train=ds_ncworld.y_train, y_test=ds_ncworld.y_test, y_train_mean=ds_ncworld.y_train_mean, y_train_std=ds_ncworld.y_train_std)
pred_ndworld = GPTrainer(gp_model='GPLinearRBF', x_train=ds_ndworld.x_train, x_train_min=ds_ndworld.x_train_min, x_train_mean=ds_ndworld.x_train_mean, x_train_std=ds_ndworld.x_train_std, x_test=ds_ndworld.x_test, y_train=ds_ndworld.y_train, y_test=ds_ndworld.y_test, y_train_mean=ds_ndworld.y_train_mean, y_train_std=ds_ndworld.y_train_std)
print('\ntraining new cases prediction model')
print('\ntraining new deaths prediction model')
Prediction and plot
pred_ncworld.plot()'new cases smoothed')'new cases smoothed')
pred_ndworld.plot()'new deaths smoothed')'new deaths smoothed')
To perform onestep ahead mean prediction, we define some additional functions
def onestep_prediction(dataset):
onestep =, dataset.y_test), dim=0) # output vector
for idx in range(len(dataset.y_test)):
# define training and test data. Training data is iteratively, step by step, expanded by the use of test data
x_train =, dataset.x_test[:idx]), dim=0)
x_test = dataset.x_test[idx:]
y_train =, dataset.y_test[:idx]), dim=0)
y_test = dataset.y_test[idx:]
# create a gaussian process model, train and make predictions
pred_model = GPTrainer(gp_model='GPLinearRBF', x_train=x_train, x_train_min=dataset.x_train_min, x_train_mean=dataset.x_train_mean, x_train_std=dataset.x_train_std, x_test=x_test, y_train=y_train, y_test=y_test, y_train_mean=dataset.y_train_mean, y_train_std=dataset.y_train_std, verbose=False)
# store one step predictions
onestep[len(dataset.y_train) + idx] = pred_model.preds.mean[len(dataset.x_train)+idx]
# plot results
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1, figsize=(12,6))
ax.plot(pred_model.x_train_min + pred_model.denormalize_x(dataset.x_test), pred_model.denormalize_y(dataset.y_test),'*r', pred_model.x_train_min + pred_model.denormalize_x(dataset.x_test), pred_model.denormalize_y(onestep[len(dataset.y_train):]),'k*')
ax.legend(['test data', 'prediction mean'])
ax.set_xlabel('time [days]')
ax.set_ylabel('prediction mean')
ax.set_title('one step ahead prediction')
# return onestep prediction
return onestep
We iteratively predict the next one step ahead
onestep_pred_ncworld = onestep_prediction(ds_ncworld)
onestep_pred_ndworld = onestep_prediction(ds_ndworld)
3.3 Sweden multistep prediction
Use class to convert dataframes to numpy arrays for further processing. Note, the conversion may take a while.
ds_ncswe = GPDataSet(df_ncdenswe_train, df_ncdenswe_test, datacol = 'new_cases_smoothed', filterloc = 'Sweden', add_input=None)
ds_ndswe = GPDataSet(df_nddenswe_train, df_nddenswe_test, datacol = 'new_deaths_smoothed', filterloc = 'Sweden', add_input=None)
Plot data.
Process data by subsampling, reducing data window and normalize data. The gaussian process model is a so called non parametric model and will be mainly based on the data points. As such, to reduce the computation and the complexity of the model, we subsample and reduce the number of datapoints.
ds_ncswe.process_numpy_data(nth_subsample = 4, window_red = 0.8)
ds_ndswe.process_numpy_data(nth_subsample = 4, window_red = 0.8)
Plot processed data
Init the training class for the Gaussian Process models
pred_ncswe = GPTrainer(gp_model='GPLinearRBF', x_train=ds_ncswe.x_train, x_train_min=ds_ncswe.x_train_min, x_train_mean=ds_ncswe.x_train_mean, x_train_std=ds_ncswe.x_train_std, x_test=ds_ncswe.x_test, y_train=ds_ncswe.y_train, y_test=ds_ncswe.y_test, y_train_mean=ds_ncswe.y_train_mean, y_train_std=ds_ncswe.y_train_std)
pred_ndswe = GPTrainer(gp_model='GPLinearRBF', x_train=ds_ndswe.x_train, x_train_min=ds_ndswe.x_train_min, x_train_mean=ds_ncswe.x_train_mean, x_train_std=ds_ncswe.x_train_std, x_test=ds_ndswe.x_test, y_train=ds_ndswe.y_train, y_test=ds_ndswe.y_test, y_train_mean=ds_ndswe.y_train_mean, y_train_std=ds_ndswe.y_train_std)
print('\ntraining new cases prediction model')
print('\ntraining new deaths prediction model')
Prediction and plot
pred_ncswe.plot()'new cases smoothed')'new cases smoothed')
pred_ndswe.plot()'new deaths smoothed')'new deaths smoothed')
onestep_pred_ncswe = onestep_prediction(ds_ncswe)
onestep_pred_ndswe = onestep_prediction(ds_ndswe)
3.5 Sweden multistep prediction with additional data input from neighbouring country
Assuming we knew the results from a neighbouring country and if data is correlated, we could presumably improve the prediction
Plot resulting data used for prediction. Both plots appears to follow a form of trend.
ds_ncswex = GPDataSet(df_ncdenswe_train, df_ncdenswe_test, datacol = 'new_cases_smoothed', filterloc = 'Sweden', add_input='Denmark')
ds_ndswex = GPDataSet(df_nddenswe_train, df_nddenswe_test, datacol = 'new_deaths_smoothed', filterloc = 'Sweden', add_input='Denmark')
Plot data.
Process data by subsampling, reducing data window and normalize data. The gaussian process model is a so called non parametric model and will be mainly based on the data points. As such, to reduce the computation and the complexity of the model, we subsample and reduce the number of datapoints.
ds_ncswex.process_numpy_data(nth_subsample = 4, window_red = 0.8)
ds_ndswex.process_numpy_data(nth_subsample = 4, window_red = 0.8)
Plot processed data
Init the training class for the Gaussian Process models
pred_ncswex = GPTrainer(gp_model='GPLinearRBF', x_train=ds_ncswex.x_train, x_train_min=ds_ncswex.x_train_min, x_train_mean=ds_ncswex.x_train_mean, x_train_std=ds_ncswex.x_train_std, x_test=ds_ncswex.x_test, y_train=ds_ncswex.y_train, y_test=ds_ncswex.y_test, y_train_mean=ds_ncswex.y_train_mean, y_train_std=ds_ncswex.y_train_std)
pred_ndswex = GPTrainer(gp_model='GPLinearRBF', x_train=ds_ndswex.x_train, x_train_min=ds_ndswex.x_train_min, x_train_mean=ds_ndswex.x_train_mean, x_train_std=ds_ndswex.x_train_std, x_test=ds_ndswex.x_test, y_train=ds_ndswex.y_train, y_test=ds_ndswex.y_test, y_train_mean=ds_ndswex.y_train_mean, y_train_std=ds_ndswex.y_train_std)
print('\ntraining new cases prediction model')
print('\ntraining new deaths prediction model')
pred_ncswex.plot()'new cases smoothed')'new cases smoothed')
pred_ndswex.plot()'new deaths smoothed')'new deaths smoothed')
- Evaluation
Evaluation of new cases smoothed
Average of groundtruth: 554788.000
Test MSE: 1850106112.000
Test RMSE: 43012.860
RMSE percentage error: 7.753 %
Test ABS: 33457.289
ABS percentage error: 6.031 %
Evaluation of new deaths smoothed
Average of groundtruth: 8842.582
Test MSE: 8629836.000
Test RMSE: 2937.658
RMSE percentage error: 33.222 %
Test ABS: 2727.578
ABS percentage error: 30.846 %
To evaluate the onestep ahead prediction, we define an additional function
def evaluate(test_data, prediction):
with th.no_grad():
# evaluate
error_mse = mean_squared_error(test_data, prediction)
error_rmse = math.sqrt(error_mse)
error_abs = mean_absolute_error(test_data, prediction)
avg_gt = test_data.sum() / len(test_data)
mse_percentage = error_rmse / avg_gt * 100
abs_percentage = error_abs / avg_gt * 100
# print
print('Average of groundtruth: %.3f' % avg_gt)
print('Test MSE: %.3f' % error_mse)
print('Test RMSE: %.3f' % error_rmse)
print('RMSE percentage error: %.3f' % mse_percentage, '%')
print('Test ABS: %.3f' % error_abs)
print('ABS percentage error: %.3f' % abs_percentage, '%')
Evaluation of new cases smoothed
# data to evaluate
test = pred_ncworld.denormalize_y(ds_ncworld.y_test)
preds = pred_ncworld.denormalize_y(onestep_pred_ncworld[-len(ds_ncworld.y_test):])
evaluate(test, preds)
Average of groundtruth: 554788.000
Test MSE: 38076252.000
Test RMSE: 6170.596
RMSE percentage error: 1.112 %
Test ABS: 4394.894
ABS percentage error: 0.792 %
Evaluation of new deaths smoothed
# data to evaluate
test = pred_ndworld.denormalize_y(ds_ndworld.y_test)
preds = pred_ndworld.denormalize_y(onestep_pred_ndworld[-len(ds_ndworld.y_test):])
evaluate(test, preds)
Average of groundtruth: 8842.582
Test MSE: 29195.436
Test RMSE: 170.867
RMSE percentage error: 1.932 %
Test ABS: 137.978
ABS percentage error: 1.560 %
Evaluation of new cases smoothed
Average of groundtruth: 4238.664
Test MSE: 4737463.500
Test RMSE: 2176.572
RMSE percentage error: 51.350 %
Test ABS: 2068.833
ABS percentage error: 48.809 %
Evaluation of new deaths smoothed
Average of groundtruth: 26.254
Test MSE: 755.362
Test RMSE: 27.484
RMSE percentage error: 104.686 %
Test ABS: 22.457
ABS percentage error: 85.540 %
Evaluation of new cases smoothed
# data to evaluate
test = pred_ncswe.denormalize_y(ds_ncswe.y_test)
preds = pred_ncswe.denormalize_y(onestep_pred_ncswe[-len(ds_ncswe.y_test):])
evaluate(test, preds)
Average of groundtruth: 4238.664
Test MSE: 77977.289
Test RMSE: 279.244
RMSE percentage error: 6.588 %
Test ABS: 235.829
ABS percentage error: 5.564 %
Evaluation of new deaths smoothed
# data to evaluate
test = pred_ndswe.denormalize_y(ds_ndswe.y_test)
preds = pred_ndswe.denormalize_y(onestep_pred_ndswe[-len(ds_ndswe.y_test):])
evaluate(test, preds)
Average of groundtruth: 26.254
Test MSE: 33.230
Test RMSE: 5.765
RMSE percentage error: 21.957 %
Test ABS: 3.928
ABS percentage error: 14.963 %
Evaluation of new cases smoothed
Average of groundtruth: 4238.664
Test MSE: 2658296.750
Test RMSE: 1630.428
RMSE percentage error: 38.466 %
Test ABS: 1537.534
ABS percentage error: 36.274 %
Evaluation of new deaths smoothed
Average of groundtruth: 26.254
Test MSE: 756.587
Test RMSE: 27.506
RMSE percentage error: 104.771 %
Test ABS: 22.476
ABS percentage error: 85.612 %
- Conclusions and reflections
Predictions using gaussian processes were made for both new cases smoothed and new deaths smoothed. This included an aggregation of many countries within the world as well as for Sweden. Making single step ahead predictions resulted naturally in smaller errors compared to the multistep predictions. The multistep prediction for Sweden could be improved for new cases smoothed using correlated data from a neighbouring country.
We believe the Gaussian process model is a valuable tool for making predictions. With this work, we would like to highlight that the data points and kernel chosen for the Gaussian process heavily biases the model and strongly influences the predictions. In this project, we selected a combination of a linear kernel and a radial basis function. The reason being that there is a trend in the data and that nearby data points should be more similar than data points further away. By inspecting the data carefully, a more optimal kernel could likely be selected. Also, the confidence intervall provided with the gaussian process model is based on that the kernel is correctly representing the underlying distribution of data.
In terms of scalability, the predictions are somewhat scalable as a user can define a window of data for making the predictions. Furthermore, GPU support could be included and approximations to the gaussian process model could be made.
Compared to the ARIMA model, the gaussian process model performed in most cases slightly worse. However, this may be due to the selection of data points and kernel considering that the gaussian process model is heavily biased by these choices. One reflection is that if one approximately knows the distribution of the underlying data, a gaussian process model with a proper selected kernel may be a good choice.